
Type: Posts; User: NYJACK

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  1. Replies

    Reintroducing myself

    My name is NYJACK I've been a member 11but I will admit my posts have been infrequent. I would like to once again become a full time member and if Reynolds lab could PM to start that would benefit...
  2. Thread: Peptides and GH

    by NYJACK

    Peptides and GH

    does any one know of a Peptide sight l like MUSCLE COALITION where u can rate who is the real deal n selling fake shit that if u saw SUICIDE SQUAD 2 the crap on these sights would have u looking...
  3. Replies

    Re: Am I lifting enough?

    NYJACK here n all I can say is look into the Mike Mentzer school of weight training. I trained for 8yrs n kept getting stuck in every way 90% of ppl would have given up. But once I read his teachings...
  4. Replies

    Re: Have you ever blacked out while lifting?

    Yes. With me it is a chronic condition which has made me unable to squat. I used to have a decent squat. 405lbs but my hamstrings touched my calves at the conclusion of descent. Not great but after...
  5. Replies

    Re: Cutting diet info

    I wanna thank you guys ten fold for the "priceless advice" n, um gonna go over all of it with a fine tooth comb before finally deciding how to play it. But 2,500 cal N VIRTUALLY NO CARBS 6 DAYS EW,...
  6. Replies

    Re: Cutting diet info

  7. Replies

    Re: Cutting diet info

    Ok now in the past i did a no carb thing for about a 5 days, i mean zero but i was consuming a ton of calories eating chicke fish n fats. Now do u still have to keep ur total caloric intake at a...
  8. Replies

    Re: Cutting diet info

    Thank you guys immensely on the advice and maybe i shoulda went with the dexedrine lol no sibutramine will work i have confidence in it, so one last question: when u keto, should things work as...
  9. Replies

    Simple question::

    How do I put up an avatar in the blank head n body space i just have one pic, the one on my profile n that was me beg n that was me beginning to peak n where i wanna get back to n beyond. Just so...
  10. Replies

    Re: Cutting diet info

    Dude!!!!!,...... That's a TOUGH diet, not only in adjusting terms but its kinda tough on the wallet, by far protien being one of our 3 food groups is killer on tne wallet, do u think if i just cut...
  11. Replies

    Cutting diet info

    Hi folks at MC NYJACK chiming in about cutting diet. Now i know it isnt rocket science, but if i just cut my calories ed for months while cycling wouldn't my body just adjust n do the homeostasis...
  12. Re: About to start this cycle to lose fat and rebuild muscle: OPINIONS?

    Yeah i looked at from a different perspective and even tho the superdrol n winstrol are injectable they are basically orals regardless, so im gonna drop the anavar n im only using 10mgs of superdrol...
  13. Re: About to start this cycle to lose fat and rebuild muscle: OPINIONS?

    Well merry Christmas to all members of MC, if anyone has any opinions on wether or not i should drop the superdrol or use the low dosage with winny anavar cocktail n the sibutramine which is supposed...
  14. About to start this cycle to lose fat and rebuild muscle: OPINIONS?

    Test e 300 ew
    Superdrol base 10mg ed
    Winstrol base 25mg ed
    Anavar 50mgs ed
    Sibutramine 15mgs
    With high protien low carb diet
    Im trying to drop 20lbs of fat and be cut like i was, im 6ft tall...
  15. Replies

    Havent logged in, in awhile

    Hi folks! Its NYJACK i havent been on in awhile n things have changed a bit, um looking for the sponsor, last one i dealt with was venom n before that AMA i think they we're very problematic but...
  16. Re: caloric totals and macro awareness for cutting ( recomp) on cycle

    I guess my biggest question n I know its one of the most variable OF ALL, but at 6'0" 230lbs n a bad bodyfat% of about 20%, what's a rough estimate of a a calorie reduction on cycle? Lyle McDonald's...
  17. Re: caloric totals and macro awareness for cutting ( recomp) on cycle

    Nothing major, I got stopped with a few zanny's, n they were mine! But I had taken them outta the script bottle, I was on 100mgs ed, was using them for trensomnia, they work like a charm n went n got...
  18. Re: caloric totals and macro awareness for cutting ( recomp) on cycle

    6'0" 230, 20% fat. Last cycle was 8mos ago n was hi dose tren ace, I was 250lbs at I guess 10% body fat n 5000+ cals ed. The cycle was almost at 4mos when it had to abruptly stop. Got locked up. The...
  19. caloric totals and macro awareness for cutting ( recomp) on cycle

    Hello to all the folks at MUSCLE COALITION!, NYJACK here and back in the fold. I've been off since Jan'15, n my conservative estimate is I'll be pinning around 8/1. My plan is a cutting recomp,...
  20. Re: Who is using the 5x5 program and do you like it better for mass than a 3 day spli

    What is exact layout for 5x5? N is it always benchpress, squats, n deadlift? Can shoulder movements b incorporated? Like clean n press, or my all time favorite shoulder movement:BEHIND THE NECK...
  21. Replies

    Re: body types n movement mechanics

    My legs get stronger n harder, more dense especially my hamstrings, geez they feel like bone not muscle, but quad separation or a beautiful bulging teardrop? Never.
    I do the power lifts cause...
  22. Re: Bigger Triceps, Bigger Arms: 5 Steps for Tricep Growth

    I use, to do my close grip bench with a curl bar, it made perfect form ez, I'd load it up to 255lbs, n I was getting like 6 with that, haven't been doing those, I hit em to failure after chest n...
  23. Replies

    Re: body types n movement mechanics

    N thanks for the calf routine iron G, got lower body, Monday I believe n I'll let u know how it goes, that sounds like rent a wheelchair for wk pain, SUPER DROL ANYONE?
  24. Replies

    Re: body types n movement mechanics

    That's how I was doin the press try to the chest with upper legs, it used to b ez lol gotten stiff with age, but it'll come back, n I was, doin 15 reps, I'll go for 25 nxt,25 reps good stretch n...
  25. Replies

    body types n movement mechanics

    Guess um thinking about sum thing I read a while back. Dorian Yates in sum magazine (probably flex) said how do to body structure, type etc squats aren't optimal for every one, like deadlift for me...
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