Wednesday 05/29/2013

4km jog easy pace. Not sure what that is in miles, just over 2.25 I think...

Thursday 05/30/2013
went to the boxing gym for 2 hours and spent an hour hitting the bags, then some pad work, no sparring as I don't wanna get a cut before the competition

Friday 05/31/2013
3x2 minutes shadow boxing
4x2 minutes light sparring with my girl
15 seconds on 15 seconds off non stop attacking. (I get attacked during my 15 seconds "off") for 10 minutes
2x30 second bursts non stop round kicks into the bag each leg.

Take it as read that I stretch for at least 20 minutes after each training session

Ok so that pretty much the last of my training for this comp. I've been in rest mode since last Friday, getting plenty of carbs down my neck and stretching off tense muscles. I've done some abs but that's about it. In the morning I set off for France. I'll let you all know how it goes and hopefully get someone to film my bouts with my camera. Wish me luck!