My histamine level is in overdrive lately and many things that I put in my body or come in contact with give me a reaction. I came across this article and it is very informative. It is not good for the body when histamine levels get high.

Histamine, along with white blood cells and other body structures, provide a first-line defense against infection and injury. The body interprets bodybuilding as stress. Because of the effects of strength training, the body initiates an inflammatory response that involves histamine. This reaction helps the body recover from the rigors of bodybuilding.

Certain white blood cells and other cells involved in the immune system contain this histamine. Injuries to cells or the presence of a pathogen may stimulate its release. A pathogen is a disease-causing micro-organism such as bacteria. The purpose of the response is to aid the body's recovery. To do so, it will cause the blood vessels to dilate which will increase blood flow. It will also increase the permeability of capillaries so white blood cells can get to the site of injury or infection.

Damage and Repair

When you engage in bodybuilding, the exercise will cause tiny tears in your muscle fibers. Because cells are injured, histamine is released. The body interprets injury like an infection in that increased blood flow is necessary to aid the recovery process. The dilation of blood vessels will also assist the body in its removal of dead cells. A 2003 study by the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Canada looked at the effects of strength training on white blood cell numbers. The researchers found that resistance training increased certain types of white blood cells called neutrophils, which also stimulate the release of histamine.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

If you work out strenuously, your activity also may stimulate an inflammatory response that can result in delayed onset muscle soreness, known as DOMS. Typical symptoms include pain, redness, swelling and heat. The inflammatory response by the body is believed to be the cause of the pain you may feel the day after a vigorous workout. This response is considered nonspecific in that several things can trigger the body's actions. The symptoms are in part the result of histamine and its effects.
Reducing the Effects of Histamine

Because of the muscle fiber damage bodybuilding causes, histamine and its role in the inflammatory response are essential for proper recovery as the body attempts to restore homeostatis to the injured tissues. A proven method for relieving the effects of the inflammatory response has not been documented. A 2001 study by Auburn University in Georgia cautions against the use of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin because of conflicting results on its effectiveness. One of the best ways to aid recovery is to work with the effects of histamine with light aerobic exercise to increase circulation to the damaged tissues.

Read more: The Effects Of Histamines On Bodybuilding | LIVESTRONG.COM