You know, I just wanted to put this thread up because in times of frustration, depression, aggravation, and just wanting to throw my arms up in the air and say "WTF???" wife will always ask me to tell her 5 things I am grateful for in that moment...and it really does work!!! Even though things may not be going the way I would want them to go, most of the time they are out of my control. I know of a few family members here who have been going through some rough times, as we all are or have let me just start before my lunchtime is over and I go back to work...

5 things I am grateful for at this moment...

My job
The love and health of my girls
The food I just had for lunch
My awesome leg training this morning
The beautiful view of the ocean where I am working right now

Now this thread is meant for all of the family here to put down the 5 things we are grateful for hopefully you all will join me here daily!!!

Love to my MC familia!!!