
Our peanut butter is popular. So are our chia seeds. And our flax seeds. It doesn’t take a nutty professor to play matchmaker to this trio. It’s genius! Trader Joe’s Crunchy Salted Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia Seeds is a power-trio product that provides a boost in both flavor and nutrition.

First, there are good old peanuts from the southern United States. Enter chia seeds, grown in Ecuador and Mexico. The flax is from Saskatchewan—and not just cause it’s fun to say. (Canada is the number one supplier of flax, worldwide.) A hint of sea salt rounds out the short ingredient list. We roast both the peanuts and flax seeds, adding a nuclear nuttiness to this butter’s flavor and aroma. The chia seeds lend an extra crunch, and also create visual interest—tiny black flecks, evenly distributed throughout the jar.

It tastes as peanutty good as one might imagine, and this level of flavor is at least matched by the level of nutritional benefits that come along with two star seeds. Flax and chia each deliver high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids—fats that are not produced by the human body, yet essential to our health. In particular, these are Alpha-linolenic acids (ALAs) with a whopping 320mg per serving (2 Tbsps or 30g). On top of that, chia seeds contain 20% protein, by weight. No wonder ancient Aztec warriors found them to be an essential food on their long hunts in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. No doubt, modern American ‘weekend warriors’ could use a serving or two or three.
