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Thread: So, You wanna get big...

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    Senior Member zedhed's Avatar
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    So, You wanna get big...

    I thought this was a good read and I have learned some things from it too.


    by Walter Eddy

    Many bodybuilders know less about 'weight training' than Medical rehab
    personal and Professional Sport Coaches. Ironic? - yes, after all -
    bodybuilding is weightlifting. Yet bodybuilders tend to seek out
    information from anyone who promises to make them big, tell them the
    secret on how to get big like the Pro bodybuilders - when the only secret
    is that steroids are the ONLY way to get that kinda big.

    So what do Pro Sport Coaches and Med. rehab people know that you may not -
    that's what is about to be covered, so pay attention if you want to know
    the truth - go elsewhere if you're looking for a bunch of golden promises.

    Very little money has been spent on 'bodybuilding' research. On the other
    hand millions have been spent on ways to improve the performance of Pro
    and 'Olympic' athletes. Not to mention the years of research put into
    studying muscle rehabilitation for medical purposes. It is from these
    sources that the real information on getting 'big' (as big as is possible
    with or without steroids), can be found. The information is out there, you
    just have to look for it - the important facts to you, the bodybuilder,
    will be covered in this article.

    Training/growth facts - what the studies prove.

    The goal of every bodybuilder is to get bigger muscles. With this goal in
    mind lets cover what research has taught us - and how to put it to use .

    FIRST: Muscle strength in the adult human is relative to cross section
    area (size). An equal cross-sectional area of muscle from any average
    trained women or man has about the same 'strength' (i.e.: can generate the
    same amount of force, 6 kg - cm2), there is very little variation. To put
    it another way, generally speaking - all human muscle tissue has (about)
    the same amount of strength, or is able to generate the same amount of
    force. So the greater the size, cross-sectional, the greater the strength.
    However, it is important to point out that bone structure, muscle
    attachments, neural factors, etc., play a very important part in
    performing 'feats of strength', so two people with equal cross section
    areas of muscle may still perform very differently -- not due to stronger
    muscle tissue, but due to other factors.

    What does this mean to the bodybuilder - it means that if you wish to
    increase muscle mass you must train the muscle to be able to generate more
    force - which in turn means the muscle must grow. Don't confuse
    increasing muscle size with increasing performance strength - performance
    strength - for example the amount of weight a person can bench press -
    depends on a number of factors - neural factors being very important.
    Increasing muscle size will help increase performance strength -- but
    increasing performance strength does not necessarily mean that you will
    increase muscle size. That may sound confusing - re-read the paragraph
    before this one again if you still do not understand.

    Putting this information to use. To increase muscle size (or mass), you
    must increase the cross sectional area. Because there is a limit to the
    amount of force (strength) a set cross-sectional area of muscle can
    generate -muscle tissue must increase in size (cross-sectional area) to be
    able to handle a greater force (to become 'stronger') - the result: bigger
    muscles. So the best way to make your muscle bigger - - train in such a
    way as to increase the amount of force you can generate - and, of course,
    to make the muscle grow as fast as possible. This last statement 'as fast
    as possible' is another key term - most types of resistance training will
    cause your muscles to grow, the question you should be asking is, is this
    the fastest way? You will find the best answers research has to offer

    Applying this information to your training.

    This is where powerlifters, bodybuilders and endurance athletes part ways.
    The goal of an endurance athlete is not to increase muscle mass - the goal
    of a powerlifter is to be able to generate as much power as possible - the
    goal of a bodybuilder is to increase muscle size as much as possible. Some
    training principals apply to all three, but there are also some
    significant differences. What will be covered here is the best way to get

    SIDE NOTE: The untrained muscle responds much better than the trained
    muscle. This simply means that the untrained person will experience much
    faster gains in strength and growth than the person who has several months
    of GOOD training under there belt. This is a well known fact - not
    someone's opinion.


    First - be sure NOT to skip the above material - the above facts play an
    important part in understanding how to train correctly for growth.

    Different types of exercises will not be covered here - why? - the type of
    exercise you do (i.e.: push-ups, sit-ups, presses, curls, etc.) have
    nothing to do with growth - - they determine which muscle(s) receive the
    stimulation. The 'method' you use is what will cause your muscle to become
    bigger, stronger, faster, etc.. Let's make sure this is clear, as many
    people do not understand this, and it is an important point - it is HOW
    you train - NOT the exercise itself - - that cause muscles to grow.

    Research on muscle recovery for medical reasons has been done for hundreds
    of years now - that's correct - 100's. Research was greatly stepped up
    after World War 2 - it was at this time that the benefits of resistance
    training began to be understood. Over the last 20 years the benefits of
    resistance training have been greatly accepted and researched. Over the
    last few years new types of testing methods - and computers - have come a
    long way in finding the best - and fastest - way to 'build' muscle. Why is
    this important to people other than bodybuilders? - in the Medical
    community the information is considered important so that patients in
    rehabilitation may recover as quickly as possible. In sports it is
    important because it is now known that resistance training can enhance all
    types of performance. This is where the research is being done - and why.
    Bodybuilders are still on the bottom of the list - but are still included
    in some studies - not to help 'bodybuilders' - but to gain more
    understanding of muscle growth.

    So what does research tell us - some of this you may know - some may
    surprise you. PRE - or Progressive Resistance training - is considered the
    best method of training for size. Before you say 'big deal' read on - PRE
    has changed much over the years. It was first started by DeLorme, T.L.
    who did the research on it (Restoration of muscle power by
    heavy-resistance exercise. J. Bone Joint Surg. 27:645,1945). Many of the
    principles still hold true - but many refinements have been made as well.



    2 sets (of maximum effort), are far more effective that 1 (fastest
    increases in growth and strength), and it appears that 3 sets are slightly
    more beneficial than doing 2. There is no evidence that doing more that 3
    sets will help - or hurt. Rest between sets should be at least 1 min. and
    no more than 5 min. - no difference has been shown between taking a 1 min.
    or 5 min. rest - in terms of growth and strength increases - the choice is
    yours. All sets should be done to the point where another rep is not
    possible. (Warm up sets should be done first).


    Reps ranging from 3 to 12 are all considered good variations - this is not
    news to anyone - however this may be - it appears to be important to do at
    least one set of 10 RM each session. (I'm not going to go into details on
    this - this is what studies have concluded - take it or leave it). For
    those who do not understand - this means that you should do one set with
    enough weight so that you are only capable of doing 10 reps. You may mix
    up the sequence any way you like, examples: 3-6-10; 12-11-10; 3-10-12;
    10-10-10. Any combination is acceptable - just do 1 set of 10 RM each
    time. (Side note: I myself am not exactly clear on the point of doing one
    set of 10 each session but shall continue to research this point - I
    believe that it may be important as a 'control' as much as any other


    The progressive part of PRE means that it is very important to increase
    your 'load' on a weekly basis. Your 10 RM is the control. You must
    increase the amount of weight you use for your 10 RM each week by at least
    a small amount


    Shocker number two - it has been shown that fast movements (contractions),
    produce the greatest increases in strength and growth. This really should
    not come as a surprise. The speed of movement when lifting a weight that
    you are only capable of doing 10 reps with, even performing the reps as
    fast as possible with good form, is still very slow compared to many
    sports movements - such as swinging a bat, throwing a ball, running - etc.
    The concentric part of the movement should be done as fast as possible -
    however this does not mean to 'jerk' the weight - it is also very
    important that the movement be done in a 'smooth' manner. This is
    important - 'jerking' the weight may cause an increase in strength due to
    neural factors - but it is not the best way to increase muscle size.


    Benefits from PRE can be achieved by training a muscle(s) as little as
    once a week. The best results for the TRAINED individual APPEAR to be
    training a muscle no more than 3 times a week, HOWEVER THIS IS NOT
    CONCLUSIVE - it is possible that training more or less may have a SMALL
    advantage - the new trainer can get best results training a muscle up to 5
    times a week.. Another possible shocker - training when muscles are
    'sore' may help speed recovery and is recommended - however you should not
    train to the point of causing 'pain' (or if you are already in 'pain').
    Working a muscle that is sore - even one that has been injured - will
    cause the muscle to recover much more rapidly that resting the muscle -
    you must know the difference between pain and soreness however - and
    should not do anything that will cause pain. (If you are recovering from
    an injury please be sure to follow your Doctors instructions.)


    Nutrition is a very important part of getting 'big'. This should be very
    simple to understand but still many people don't. If you want to build a
    house there is one thing YOU HAVE TO HAVE - materials. If you want to
    build muscle you have to feed them - plain and simple. To gain mass you
    have to eat more calories than your body needs - or at least the exact
    amount that it needs for energy, repair, etc. (because there is no way of
    knowing your exact needs it is wise to eat a bit more than you feel you
    need). If you don't YOUR MUSCLES WILL NOT GROW.

    Supplements are another story. Research has shown that only drugs will
    make your muscles grow beyond 'normal'. Other supplements do have their
    place. It is important that your body has all the nutrients it needs - any
    less will slow your progress. There may be a very slight advantage to
    getting a little more of some things than your body needs - but there is
    little doubt that if your body is not getting enough of something it will
    hurt your progress. For example, most people are known to be deficient in
    Zinc (there is not enough of it in our diets), in which case it has been
    proven that supplemental Zinc will increase the testosterone levels (in
    men). It has also been shown that taking twice as much as you need will
    not be of benefit - and may even have adverse effects on your health.


    This training information is the result of over 50 years of research on
    PRE - - by hundreds of researchers. They know what their talking about.
    There are two important last points to make , researchers will be the
    first to tell you that everything is not known about the best way to train
    - but any improvements made on what is currently known - about training
    methods - will be very slight. Every possible combination of training
    methods (within reason), have been studied. If big improvements are to be
    made in 'muscle building', it will be in areas other than training.


    Now the bad news - if you train correctly you will 'level off'. The
    training methods covered here have been shown to be better (produce faster
    and better results), than any other researched training methods. (Again,
    it is possible that slight variations will be found to have some slight
    benefit). Here's what to expect - if your train correctly for maximum
    growth you will make very fast gains for the first 3 to 6 months. At this
    point you will gradually start to taper off - after two years of training
    you can expect the gains to come very slowly - at some point, to be
    totally honest, further 'overall' gains will be almost impossible unless
    you take anabolic steroids or other types of anabolic drugs. (Which I do
    not recommend). This does not mean that you can't continue to improve your
    appearance. It is at this time that you should start paying more attention
    to your weak areas, your diet, etc. - you can always improve - and hope -
    that more can be learned on how to increase muscle size through natural
    methods - without the use of steroids.


    A 1 rep max (1 RM), done once a week, (after warm up) - has been shown to
    be very effective in increasing strength and size during 6 week studies.



    McArdle, W.D., and Katch, F.I., and Katch, V.L., Exercise Physiology,
    fourth edition, Williams and Wilkins, 1996. (includes 178 source
    referencences pertaining to the above subject).

    Other References:

    Guyton, A.C., Function of the Human Body, fourth edition, Saunders, 1974.
    Nobel, B.J., Physiology of Exercise and Sport, Times Mirror/Mosby, 1986.
    Hendler, S.S., The Doctors' Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia, Simon and
    Schuster, 1990.
    Hatfield, F.C., Bodybuilding a Scientific Approach,
    Contemporary, 1984.
    "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
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  2. #2
    V.I.P. SFDan's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Good info here Zed. Thanks.

  3. #3
    V.I.P. Encino_Mang's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Good stuff........the info in "speed & frequency" wasn't not what I was expecting for building muscle. I can see lifting the weight as fast as possible for strength but not building muscle. Typical BB talk about feeling the weight "making the muscle work harder". Also training a muscle when it's sore can help speed recovery, although I have heard of light high reps sets can help healing by pumping blood to the area.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator - Gate Keeper - Foundation Member MuscleAddiction's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Or like Zed had us do and other pro bodybuilders are doing is the "tension under load" method doing reps as slow as you can, but honestly it comes to what works best for the individual and I may die before I know what that is, but will have fun doing it. There is so much science and studies we can read and try, but like the article says there will always be the what do you do? Change the routine or modify things to fire up muscle growth...thanks Zed for some more interesting info to ponder .
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  5. #5
    V.I.P. Encino_Mang's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Def lots of good information there!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    very good info there!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member zedhed's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Quote Originally Posted by SFDan View Post
    Good info here Zed. Thanks.
    Thanks bro.
    "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
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  8. #8
    Senior Member zedhed's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbutcho View Post
    Good stuff........the info in "speed & frequency" wasn't not what I was expecting for building muscle. I can see lifting the weight as fast as possible for strength but not building muscle. Typical BB talk about feeling the weight "making the muscle work harder". Also training a muscle when it's sore can help speed recovery, although I have heard of light high reps sets can help healing by pumping blood to the area.
    I think that at that level they can go much faster thru the reps then us mere mortals. I know when I watch then they go a hell of a lot faster then I do.
    "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
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  9. #9
    Senior Member zedhed's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleAddiction View Post
    Or like Zed had us do and other pro bodybuilders are doing is the "tension under load" method doing reps as slow as you can, but honestly it comes to what works best for the individual and I may die before I know what that is, but will have fun doing it. There is so much science and studies we can read and try, but like the article says there will always be the what do you do? Change the routine or modify things to fire up muscle growth...thanks Zed for some more interesting info to ponder .
    and very welcome bro.
    "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
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  10. #10
    Senior Member zedhed's Avatar
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    Re: So, You wanna get big...

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbutcho View Post
    Def lots of good information there!
    Glad that you read it and pulled something out of it for you bro. When all said and done it comes out this what MA said above. We have to find what works for our bods. For me it no bench what so ever. But I work around it as best I can and still have a pretty nice looking chest. Also right shoulder, again same thing.
    So apply what makes sense to you and trash can the rest. Thats what its all about. Nobody knows our bodies better then we do.
    "Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
    Henry Ford

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