The Iron Life: Get Your Pump On and See the Gains

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The sport of bodybuilding is unlike any other. Why is it so different though? With the bodybuilding life, the mindset must be you vs the world. There is no team; it is you improving your body. Also know there are a lot of skeptics out there, and along your journey there will be a lot of obstacles to overcome.

First Starting Out?

Congratulations! You have chosen a hobby that is not only healthy for you, but also something that will last forever.

One thing about bodybuilding is that there is ALWAYS something to improve on. Whether that is to improve on certain muscles, exercise form, diet, body fat percentage, one rep max, dedication, etc. Point is-there is a lot to learn, and a lot to work on. If you are first starting out here is a word of advice. That pain you feel, is a good thing. Pain in the muscles is equated to gains in the body.

Pains = Gains.

Embrace them. Also know if you are a beginner then treat your body like a beginner. When one starts up guitar lessons, you probably won’t be able to do a Black Sabbath guitar solo after a couple of weeks. Start simple, and work from there to become more and more advanced.

Also know that the first year or so is the peak time to make the gains happen, so take advantage of the first year. Word of advice is to track the numbers you are putting up in different lifts. Set goals, and give yourself timeframes to beat certain goals.

You Are a Meathead!

Nutrition and bodybuilding. Those two words together like peanut butter and jelly.

There is no “exact” diet that will fit each and every bodybuilder out there. The premises of what needs to be done to get the gains you want remain the same though. You are what you eat.

Truth is some of the best bodybuilders out there eat pounds and pounds of meat a day. That is just what needs to happen when your 200 pound body needs to eat over 3500 Calories a day. A simple goal for gains when it comes to bodybuilding is to eat as much protein as you can. Get somewhere between 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein is the building block of muscle.

Long story short, the soreness from the exercises that you do is damage (in a good way). You need to rebuild those muscles stronger and stronger each and every time they get sore. Think of the story about the three little pigs. Their houses are your muscles and you need to turn them into bricks.

Train Safe

For safety purposes, do know that there is an upper limit to the amount one should train. Muscles need water, food, and rest. Key word there is rest. When the body is at rest is when the body is growing. Every once in a while, as hard as it might mess with your head, the body should also take a rest week. Each and every week there should be rest days as well. The body cannot work out each and every day without eventually hitting “the wall”. How heavy are you going with your lifts? How is your form? Making a stupid mistake will never be worth it if an injury happens.

The hierarchy of importance when it comes to lifting goes like this. Form first then weight. Form should always be the first thing on your mind because the lifts are pretty much not worth it without good form. Good form is where the real gains come from. If you are going heavy, then be double careful and grab a spotter. Throw the collars on the barbells to keep the weights in place.


One to two hours a day out of an entire day. That sounds pretty small doesn’t it? How about 8.3%? That is a small number as well. That is how much the two hours you need to life takes out of your day. No matter how you look at it though, there are things in life that will keep you from getting in that gym to take care of business. Of course there are things that are more important such as work and sleep. But, one needs to put forth the dedication to make your dreams of packing on some big weight a reality.

Dedication is the key ingredient to bodybuilding. Find what motivates you and keep that fire alive each and every day. Find an idol in the bodybuilding world and do what you can to mimic that life and dedication. Change your music up at the gym if that will give you the edge for the month or two. But, there is no better feeling when you start seeing those gains in the mirror. The feeling when you beat the previous personal record you have for yourself. When you have to buy bigger shirts or pants because your limbs can’t fit. When you see family once every six months and they can’t believe how muscular you have gotten.
Keep that fire alive and make those gains a reality!