So I signed back up with LA fitness; due to different reasons... The main one being equipment thats usually not found in the smaller mom and pop gyms in my area (standing calf raises, shoulder shrug machines, etc). So, we all know the routine; personal trainer sets up a "personal assessment" to determine my goals... I figured, I know what I'm doing, but at least I'll get my fat and muscle measurements for my log book. I've always trained by myself, and I've tried many different training methods, and I know what works for my body. Anyways, heres the condensed version of the story: I meet the trainer, and after getting said measurements, he proceeds to get me balancing on rubber balls and doing weird bodyweight exercises. It's been a while since I've played any sports, and my coordination is a little off. He's lucky I didn't accidentally drop a weight ball on his head (no, really, he stood in front of me while i bounced a heavy ball off the wall above him)! I wasn't coordinated enough to do half the exercises he wanted me to try, and today, I am feeling rather sore. So it got me thinking; while I have a good amount of muscle mass for my frame, could I stand to benefit to workout more like a crossfitter to get my overall agility and core strength up? I'm still not buying into the personal training for financial reasons, but maybe I could benefit from incorporating some of these exercises into my standard routine? I gotta admit, that guy's workout had me sweatin and looking like an out-of-shape noob out on the workout floor... What are your opinions?