I posted this on my other social medias, so I might as well post it here too.


I'm "officially" down from about 374lbs to 340.5(ish)lbs. About the only thing I've done, was make my meals smaller. Only eating three to four times day and not caring what it is. Just 100% portion control, plus less sodas/pops/cokes.... Working on drinking at least 1 gallon of water a day, usually 1.5 to 2 on some.

My pants are size 46 and I can easily (while relaxed) pull my pants out away from my side and it's a good 2" or so. I just today started wearing a belt for the first time in years. These pants were so tight, I'd drink water and have to unbutton them. Now I need the belt to hold them up. (My wife got tired of telling me to pull my pants up. This last Saturday, she even told me that she could tell I was skinnier. That's awesome because she sees me everyday and you'd figure she wouldn't notice (like myself by looking) like someone else that hasn't seen me in a few months.

I know I'm still fat, but I can see the "loose skin" around my belly button and spanning out around the bottom part of my stomach. Slowly but surely I'll get to where I want to be. Hopefully I can get to the 15-20% body fat area. I figure I have at least another good 50+ pounds to drop.

Anyways, there you go. I'm on my fat loss journey!