My wife said the sexiest thing to me she ever has last night. "I want to get my CCW permit and carry a gun!"

We have talked about it several times before and she wasn't interested in carrying a gun daily. I was curious as to what's changed her mind ? She said since we had our last 2 kids she gets anxiety worrying about protecting the kids when I'm not around. She said all the shooting by crazy ppl on the news scare her. She said she feels defenseless right now.
I told her I totally understood how and why she felt all the ways she does.

She's been shooting with me plenty of times and loves it. I'm going to take her this weekend to try my Ruger LC9s pro I have. My buddy is going to bring his walther PPS m2. I shot his PPS and really liked it. Just saw they have the m2 out so I asked him if he had seen it. Of course he says he has one lol. Another buddy has the G43 glock. I'll see if he can come out too.
There's also the m&p shield. I have 2 m&p so didn't want a 3rd lol. I will still check it out though. Also curious about the kahr cm9 and the honor guard looks sick as hell but no way to sample it. Just gotta buy and pray lol.

I do live in a cowboy state. We can open carry most places but she would be CCW

How about u guys? Your girls carry?

Thinking of this