"Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey His laws
and search for Him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths."

Psalm 119:1-3

Have been in the book of Psalms this week to raise my spirits in these days of darkness, and yes joy is much deeper than happiness, and happiness is actually blessings, so when you count your blessings you are taking account of the things in your life that make you happy...God's love and grace, my beautiful marriage to my wife, my beautiful loving daughters, our home, our jobs, food, water, air, the ability to do what we love such as training, connected with that is our health and our bodies, there is so much to be joyful for that doesn't have to do with money...if you base your happiness on material possessions then like RWUS and Xdude stated, that happiness will be short lived. My joy is in the Lord, and I am thankful for all He has blessed us with, me with, and if you sit back and ponder that, you will fill your heart with what truly matters.

Let's keep this going my brothers!!!