last time I bought a car I paid the $30-$50 ( at the time) for consumer reports actual dealer price... If I remeber correct there was one price for unlimited models and one if you got it down to a couple.. models ( like $10 each) and it was good for a month or so..

the report tells you the real cost to get it to the dealer ...( apparently they had some insiders tha supplied the info according to the web site ) I walked in knowing what they paid for it .. and when the dealer an I were way off base ...I knew when he was jerking my chain.. the final stop was a place , where they gave me crap for a trade in... but gave me a great price on the Jeep.. it was below Dealer cost according to the Consumer report.

Also if you live near a state border , there were deals that were in certain areas of the country that were not in the state next door.. for example a new england discount might not be the same as the Ny,nj,PA discount ...depending on the amount of over stock..if I wanted to go down south it was an extra 750, hard to justify though..

Caddy's have never been my thing... I like the SUV,, hard to off road with a Caddy... although they are built much better these days ...

and I forgot to mention... the durango's are nice looking.. that actually is on my list too...
they have done a lot with those and they really look sharp

in 05 the dash looked like a mistake it was so long and deep... and boy did they suck down gas back then!
I test road one then.... and said nope..

Now they just look mean , I will have to test one of those too