Lmfao! Standing on ice with buttered shoes! Fuckin' hell you make me laugh sometimes!

I figure balancing incorporates assisting muscles and doing unilateral exercises ought to help balance out my legs. Besides, I only kick with one leg at a time and some of the lie kicks (like low spinning heel kicks) require good strength in the supporting leg as you have to bend the fucker to get low enough.

I just got a heavy grips gripper. 100lbs. It's a bit too easy for me, I managed 15 reps as soon as I took it out of the box. Now I think I'll get a captains of crush gripper. There's one that's 108kg (237.6lbs) I reckon that ought to be more challenging. Grip strength isn't particularly necessary for my style of fighting, I'm not wrestling, but I've got small hands and I figure improving my crushing grip strength could help with pulls as well as help improve my forearms overall.