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View Full Version : What to eat and How to eat

  1. Everything tastes like shit (21 replies)
  2. "IIFYM"--yea/nay? (27 replies)
  3. Post workout carb? (17 replies)
  4. Ideas to fuel your workout (1 replies)
  5. Breakfast ideas (25 replies)
  6. Hi low carb cycle diet (2 replies)
  7. How much $$$ (22 replies)
  8. Celery! Good for the body (4 replies)
  9. Diet plan *MUSCLEADDICTION* (25 replies)
  10. Epic Noel Fuller Diet/Gear Thread (1 replies)
  11. caloric totals and macro awareness for cutting ( recomp) on cycle (6 replies)
  12. Eggs - recommend going local (14 replies)
  13. Justin Harris Talks Amino Acids & Red Meats (5 replies)
  14. What You Don’t Know About Ghrelin (1 replies)
  15. Bulking (27 replies)
  16. Sub 10%bf (11 replies)
  17. Carbs, Cortisol, and Butter Coffee” by Dr. Mike Israetel (2 replies)
  18. The Dangerous Ingredient Turning Up in 'Natural' Foods (0 replies)
  19. Virgin Coconut Oil and Fractionated Coconut Oil? (0 replies)
  20. Brazil Nuts as a Testosterone Enhancer and Selenium Supplement (6 replies)
  21. Muscle Protein Synthesis and the Anabolic Window (4 replies)
  22. Why Your Diet Sucks (7 replies)
  23. Crunchy Salted Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia Seeds (3 replies)
  24. What appetite??? (6 replies)
  25. NutriBullet...is awesome (6 replies)
  26. Ketogenic Diet (1 replies)
  27. Protein shakes (20 replies)
  28. 2014 Dirty Dozen List: The Most Pesticide-Laden Produce You're Eating (1 replies)
  29. Low-Carb Is Stupid (9 replies)
  30. You Are What You Absorb( long read but worth it) (3 replies)
  31. Peanut butter (15 replies)
  32. Post workout (9 replies)
  33. Potatoes, staple in any diets (4 replies)
  34. Muscle Brownie (0 replies)
  35. Nikki & Muscle Addiction... (1 replies)
  36. I was looking ... (5 replies)
  37. Carb loading post workout? (3 replies)
  38. Appreciation cost reductions on coaching!! (19 replies)
  39. Bumblebee tuna (11 replies)
  40. Eggggggs (4 replies)
  41. Carb Cycling 101... (13 replies)
  42. Calorie deficit? (13 replies)
  43. Sugar!! (4 replies)
  44. Maintenance calories (3 replies)
  45. Breakfast for dinner? (8 replies)
  46. Ketosis Diet (16 replies)
  47. What does everyone eat before sleeping.... (42 replies)
  48. Going green... (5 replies)
  49. Egg whites (8 replies)
  50. Huge Thank You to Fitguru.... (14 replies)
  51. Instant oatmeal (20 replies)
  52. For all the transformation contest contenders! (11 replies)
  53. Best gainer shake (21 replies)
  54. What Foods (35 replies)
  55. How much food to consume (11 replies)
  56. Bread? (15 replies)
  57. Oats in your shakes (42 replies)
  58. How much water? (36 replies)
  59. Favorite Carb, protein and fat (18 replies)
  60. Even protein distribution far better than uneven (layne norton video) (1 replies)
  61. Official Transformation Contest Thread!!! (285 replies)
  62. Fit Guru's Trans contest need emails (0 replies)
  63. R.I.P. Hostess (21 replies)
  64. Fit Guru (11 replies)
  65. How much Food to Eat???? (30 replies)
  66. Drinking on cycle (7 replies)
  67. No secret Diet plan (20 replies)
  68. Transformation Contest!! (136 replies)
  69. Honey !? (18 replies)
  70. Eating for your blood type (18 replies)
  71. Carb Cycling (5 replies)
  72. Branch chain amino's mixed into protein shake (8 replies)
  73. Confused (24 replies)
  74. Good read for those confused by diet (not trying to toot my own horn). (8 replies)
  75. Some good grub and supps to have on hand. (4 replies)
  76. Raw Eggs (16 replies)
  77. Fit Guru email (3 replies)
  78. Cut carbs not calories!! (17 replies)
  79. Anyone try Intermittent Fasting (16 replies)
  80. Competition season nearing an end (4 replies)
  81. Tuna (12 replies)
  82. good fat, bad fat and omega 3's (6 replies)
  83. good carbs vs bad vs bad carbs (1 replies)
  84. Anyone blend eggs w/ protein shake? (5 replies)
  85. Eating before bed! (15 replies)
  86. Post workout SHake (16 replies)
  87. The Demonizing of Carbs (38 replies)
  88. bulking/recomp after a long layoff (9 replies)
  89. Nutrition advice to all!! (11 replies)
  90. A few contest prep questions. FINAL WEEK! (3 replies)
  91. what you do for bulking (33 replies)
  92. Contest Prep (9 replies)
  93. Determining Macros to Lose Fat (13 replies)