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View Full Version : looking to detox... and not sober up

09-17-2012, 08:18 PM
well I hears there are many clean eating diets.. but I am looking to clean out the liver, kidneys and all the internal organs .. heard of cleanses ..did a fruit based cleanse with 1 normal meal.. and some fiber drinks ...

not bad ... but it takes 21 days

anyone have a favourite for cleaning you out in a week?

Heard some radical stuff like lime and maple syrup..

09-17-2012, 08:23 PM
well I hears there are many clean eating diets.. but I am looking to clean out the liver, kidneys and all the internal organs .. heard of cleanses ..did a fruit based cleanse with 1 normal meal.. and some fiber drinks ...

not bad ... but it takes 21 days

anyone have a favourite for cleaning you out in a week?

Heard some radical stuff like lime and maple syrup..

The terms "cleaning out" or "detox" do not have a physiological explanation or diagnostic tool. In other words, they are made up by people that don't know that much about human physiology.

A good healthy approach to improve you health is to eat a ton of fruits, veges, legumes, whole grains and low fat protein sources and a lot of water.

09-18-2012, 09:29 AM
^^^^ This.

Drinking lots of water does worlds of difference for my overall health and general psyche.

09-18-2012, 09:36 AM
I also feel good when I cut my calories down for a week or so, usually cutting them like 30%. When I eat a lot on a bulk, I feel sluggish and cleaning out my digestive track makes me feel light and also seems to increase my energy.

Fit Guru
09-18-2012, 10:43 AM
Several reasons why water works so well and makes one feel better. Your body is 80% water so just the slightest dehydration can make you lethargic, hungry, depressed. Also a lot of times we eat thinking we are hungry when in reality we are thirsty. Rule of thumb.. Drink water first, then eat.