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View Full Version : Bitch Slap My Boss lol

10-09-2012, 03:32 PM
Man I cant take all this AL Test and work haha. I came back from break 5 mins late and my boss sends me home... Im a casual and all the regulars take 30 to 40 min breaks.. I take a 25 min break and all hell breaks loose. I ended up throwing all my shipment bills in the air at my boss "should have seen his face never had some one give me that ILL FUCKING KILL YOU look like that lol". Now every day my boss keeps calling me off. I work at yrc freight and its a union dock but the union aint doing shit I dont even see why I pay union dues. Im ready to get my NASM cert and get hired on by my buddy from custom built. Just thought Id vent for a second lol. I used to web development but it just kind of went under blah.

Vicious 13
10-09-2012, 04:00 PM
Tell ur union to step up or you'll sue them

10-09-2012, 07:49 PM
Man I cant take all this AL Test and work haha. I came back from break 5 mins late and my boss sends me home... Im a casual and all the regulars take 30 to 40 min breaks.. I take a 25 min break and all hell breaks loose. I ended up throwing all my shipment bills in the air at my boss "should have seen his face never had some one give me that ILL FUCKING KILL YOU look like that lol". Now every day my boss keeps calling me off. I work at yrc freight and its a union dock but the union aint doing shit I dont even see why I pay union dues. Im ready to get my NASM cert and get hired on by my buddy from custom built. Just thought Id vent for a second lol. I used to web development but it just kind of went under blah.

Don't you hate power hungry assholes?

red crayon
10-09-2012, 09:29 PM
I had a problem with my union too. I was hurt at work, in 2006, and they had to do emergency stuff on me so I would survive and make it to the hospital. I had two skull fractures one on the left rear of my head and the other on the right front. Internal bleeding inside my skull was compressing my brain, I very nearly died. I lost, dont remember about 4 days or the day I got hurt. The company didnt find a cause for the accident so it was an unexplained fall. I was standing on the floor and just fell back and hit the floor. The guy I was working with said he didnt see anything except me hit the floor, he said I hit the back of my head. I had an emergency craniotomy. Anyway long story short. I asked the union for her after the workers comp was denied. The lawyers that the union recomends said it was an easy case to win but wasnt worth going after because there wasnt enough money involved. I wound up going after the company on my own without a lawyer, had the case decided in my favor and didnt get any help from anyone. I still have a few things that need to be resolved, out of pocket expenses, and even at that I am on still my own. I might be able to get some help from a lawyer for this, I will need it, but still the united steel workers union isnt any help at all.

red crayon
10-09-2012, 09:33 PM
Sorry, Sometimes I just have to get it out. Just remember its a money thing and nothing else. You are really the only person you can count on. I learned that the hard way!

10-09-2012, 10:13 PM
I have seen my companies union labor agreements in some other states for workers that do the same job as my guys. There is really nothing that has the potential to assist thw worker. Its mainly jargon to protect the union, not the employee.

10-10-2012, 12:14 PM
So my buddies dad works with me up there but he drives the trucks . He asked why they weren't calling me in they said a supervisor had told them that I didn't come back from break for a good 45 mins ! So this punk ass 23 year old supervisor lied and went from 5 mins like to 45 mins. They said I'd be lucky to work at all this week and they'll give me a "second chance" lmao. The teamsters suck ass man cause my union steward ain't doing shit to even help me get back into work . Think I might say fuck it and get a different job

Vicious 13
10-10-2012, 01:00 PM
I just have to stay on them my dad had problems w the postal union he got a lawyer and they changed real quick

10-10-2012, 03:06 PM
Hope the best for you bro in getting it worked out. It sucks having to work for a shitwad like that but all too many times thats the way it is.

10-10-2012, 04:27 PM
I say break his legs.....sorry that's my Italian roots showing lol.

Ok ok just threaten to break his legs lol.

I had to give a guy at the gym the I will kill u look. He backed down. I felt better.