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View Full Version : Spinal erector training /low back?

11-17-2012, 02:45 PM
My lower back is my Achilles heal. It's flairs up and tweaks out sometimes. I go to chiropractor when a can.

do any of u guys do supermans or good morning etc to strengthen the spinal erectors etc? I do stiff leg deads for legs and there is some spinal erector work done there....obviously not enough.

My lower back was really bad when I wasn't lifting. I used to throw it out all the time. Since lifting again it rarely happens. it's been not 100% for the past month or so, and lastnight almost dropped me to my knees in pain. even my wife was concerned as she knows my pain threshold is very high. I iced it and tried to take it easy. Still locked up good today. It will subside once the muscle spasm goes away.....just wanna work on a more permanent solution.

I find stretching helps as well as the inversion table and foam rollers.

Thoughts? Fancy routines, videos, yoga? I'll try anything at this point!

11-17-2012, 05:28 PM
I use a lacrosse ball to roll on and electronic muscle stimulation all the time. Works fantastic!

11-17-2012, 05:42 PM
I use a lacrosse ball to roll on and electronic muscle stimulation all the time. Works fantastic!

I had a chriopracter that had the electronic stimulator. I loved that thing! He said he had never seen someone be able to stand such a high machine setting lol.

Few hundred bucks??

11-17-2012, 07:16 PM
I just barely bought a new one and it cost $145. I bought it from a little kiosk at the mall. This is my third one and I swear on them. My daughter is a dancer for a pro basketball team and I gave her one and she uses it everyday, as do i. I would recommend it to everyone.

11-17-2012, 08:24 PM
What brand /model is yours ill check it out? I really liked that setup when I've used it. My wife does massage and spoke of getting one.

11-17-2012, 08:31 PM

Read the reviews this guy left on this unit!


11-18-2012, 11:26 AM
It's a HiDow. The website is hi-dow.com

11-18-2012, 11:31 AM
I grabbed one off amazon. I'll let you know if it helps.

I won't lie after reading the review above.....I do want to try it on my cock and anus per his vivid descriptions Lmfao. That shit has to be a joke!

11-18-2012, 11:55 AM
Lol! My wife tried it on her goods and she actually liked it but there is no chance in hell i'm sticking it on my unit!

11-18-2012, 06:17 PM
Lol! My wife tried it on her goods and she actually liked it but there is no chance in hell i'm sticking it on my unit!

Lmao! did u read that guys review? Fucking hilarious !

11-18-2012, 06:28 PM
My lower back is my Achilles heal. It's flairs up and tweaks out sometimes. I go to chiropractor when a can.

do any of u guys do supermans or good morning etc to strengthen the spinal erectors etc? I do stiff leg deads for legs and there is some spinal erector work done there....obviously not enough.

My lower back was really bad when I wasn't lifting. I used to throw it out all the time. Since lifting again it rarely happens. it's been not 100% for the past month or so, and lastnight almost dropped me to my knees in pain. even my wife was concerned as she knows my pain threshold is very high. I iced it and tried to take it easy. Still locked up good today. It will subside once the muscle spasm goes away.....just wanna work on a more permanent solution.

I find stretching helps as well as the inversion table and foam rollers.

Thoughts? Fancy routines, videos, yoga? I'll try anything at this point!

Yeah, I do GM's and variations of them. I also do SLDL, RDL, Deadlift, and Oly assisting lifts. All of these work the spinal erectors. Can't lift big weights without a strong posterior chain.

Stretching, foam rolling, Epsom salt baths, ice baths, etc all are good things to use for recovery

12-13-2012, 08:36 AM
Hypers mountain dog style (start w a weight plate go to failure drop fo lower weight plate without stopping fo to failure drop weight altogether go fo bodyweight alone). Romanian dead lifts slow full extension hands on show laces or as far as flexibility allows. This is a full posterior chain exercise and is the basis of my erector strength. All that TUT!

I DESPISE direct ab work but will include rotary roman chair stuff. So knees or feet depending on ability will go from side to side with spine twist. I include dynamic activation that twists the spine before workouts. I feel like it wakes my thoracic up and engages them in different types of movements not just pulls.

I'm sure I will think of more I will come back when i do.

12-13-2012, 08:59 AM
Hypers mountain dog style (start w a weight plate go to failure drop fo lower weight plate without stopping fo to failure drop weight altogether go fo bodyweight alone). Romanian dead lifts slow full extension hands on show laces or as far as flexibility allows. This is a full posterior chain exercise and is the basis of my erector strength. All that TUT!

I DESPISE direct ab work but will include rotary roman chair stuff. So knees or feet depending on ability will go from side to side with spine twist. I include dynamic activation that twists the spine before workouts. I feel like it wakes my thoracic up and engages them in different types of movements not just pulls.

I'm sure I will think of more I will come back when i do.

okay why does my phone think "fo" is a word? Like, fo real.
Oh, thats why.

red crayon
12-24-2012, 03:04 PM
I agree with all the above. Its an area most people dont think about but when it goes south it can knock you out of the gym for awhile.

12-24-2012, 03:17 PM
I LOVE the look of thick juicy erectors (yes pervert)

I call it spine cleavage =)

red crayon
12-24-2012, 03:56 PM
If someone tells you that they work hard in the gym you can look at their legs and back. That tells the whole story right there! Im kinda Bias myself, I think that there is nothing better than a nice set of muscular female legs! Oh sorry thats another thread. lol