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12-13-2012, 06:24 PM
Dude my legs are so small. Maybe not compared to my friends legs but compared to my upper body (which isn't huge my any means) I just can't seem to get these babies to grow. Quads grow about 1/2" ever 6 months. If that. Calves never ever ever budge. Any help would me killer. Thx

12-13-2012, 07:33 PM
Hmm. Start with squats, then leg press, then hack slide squats , then quad extensions. Like 3-4 sets of each.

For hams. Stiff leg deads, wide stance( leg far behind and push up with heel off floor) lunges, standing or laying ham curls or tensile contraction lifts.

I prefer higher reps for legs lately. Like 12-30 reps.

For calves I find the only thing that makes any difference is giant sets. Start with feet straight go until failure. Then goes heels pointed in our out until failur, then a 3rd set until failure of the last foot postion. This is 1 giant set. Do like 4-5 sets of these. I'll alternate the foot postion i start with each set as well. Slow negatives and get a hard contraction at the top. Partials are also good.

1 day do standing upper calve work then 2nd routine of the week do seated stuff. I find I get more results from seated as I'm lacking in lower calve area and the soleus calve muscle goes under the upper gastrocs and makes them pop as well.

For calves u gotta fucking punish them if u aren't born with them. If they aren't on fire and sore for days......u aren't training them hard enough.

12-13-2012, 07:57 PM
Hmm. Start with squats, then leg press, then hack slide squats , then quad extensions. Like 3-4 sets of each.

For hams. Stiff leg deads, wide stance( leg far behind and push up with heel off floor) lunges, standing or laying ham curls or tensile contraction lifts.

I prefer higher reps for legs lately. Like 12-30 reps.

For calves I find the only thing that makes any difference is giant sets. Start with feet straight go until failure. Then goes heels pointed in our out until failur, then a 3rd set until failure of the last foot postion. This is 1 giant set. Do like 4-5 sets of these. I'll alternate the foot postion i start with each set as well. Slow negatives and get a hard contraction at the top. Partials are also good.

1 day do standing upper calve work then 2nd routine of the week do seated stuff. I find I get more results from seated as I'm lacking in lower calve area and the soleus calve muscle goes under the upper gastrocs and makes them pop as well.

For calves u gotta fucking punish them if u aren't born with them. If they aren't on fire and sore for days......u aren't training them hard enough.

Good advice, you must punish them into growing, intensity!!! Also on leg days you want to eat a bit more than usual, really give your body some nutrients to grow.

12-13-2012, 08:06 PM
I eat like an animal.
I feel like I'm doing the necessary exercises but I do keep reps low. 5-8. Maybe go for more burn with legs and see what happens. I love squats, deads, rack deads, Romanians, leg extentions etc...I'll switch it up. Go a touch lighter and add maybe 5-10 additional reps

12-13-2012, 08:56 PM
I eat like an animal.
I feel like I'm doing the necessary exercises but I do keep reps low. 5-8. Maybe go for more burn with legs and see what happens. I love squats, deads, rack deads, Romanians, leg extentions etc...I'll switch it up. Go a touch lighter and add maybe 5-10 additional reps

Mix up the reps, all of us have weaker points that are harder to develop, Johnie Jackson has extremely strong legs, but development wise they lack behind his upper-body, do the best you can..you can make improvements..a lot of guys give up on legs because it's too tough...

12-13-2012, 09:22 PM
I have MONSTER wheels and do it a bit different.On leg or deadlift days we start by ramping ourselves up on caffiene-TNE and cialis ( blood thinner).I drink damn near a gallon of coffee during squats that you could float a fucking horshoe in !!We start out with low reps and insane weight until we puke.We alawys bring extra trash bags to the gym for inside a trash barrel we put beside the rack.We work our way down in weight and do insane reps-or to failure.By the time we leave-we can barely walk.Get home-drink a bunch of protein-get some pussy and go to sleep.Takes a few days to recover-but is only way I got monster wheels and calves are HUGE.
As I have gotten older-I cut way back on this.Only way my legs would ever grow. YMMV-OD

12-13-2012, 09:31 PM
K I'll do that!^^^^
What's ymmv

12-13-2012, 09:36 PM
I have MONSTER wheels and do it a bit different.On leg or deadlift days we start by ramping ourselves up on caffiene-TNE and cialis ( blood thinner).I drink damn near a gallon of coffee during squats that you could float a fucking horshoe in !!We start out with low reps and insane weight until we puke.We alawys bring extra trash bags to the gym for inside a trash barrel we put beside the rack.We work our way down in weight and do insane reps-or to failure.By the time we leave-we can barely walk.Get home-drink a bunch of protein-get some pussy and go to sleep.Takes a few days to recover-but is only way I got monster wheels and calves are HUGE.
As I have gotten older-I cut way back on this.Only way my legs would ever grow. YMMV-OD

Ian Harrison old school bodybuilder with sick legs, said about the same thing, he would carry a bucket to the gym to puke in, and some guys think( a few dumb asses I have known) THEY train hard, they have no clue what hard training is.

Fit Guru
12-13-2012, 10:04 PM
Ill tell u what I did. As an amateur After every show that I didn't win the judges who all knew me said "your legs. He got u in legs . Your upper body blew everyone away" I was doing parallel squats and leg presses and hacks and extensions . Lots of supersets, giant sets. So I decided to do nothing but squat butt to the floor. 135lb add a 45. Another set, add 45. Til I was at my max for one rep. Got my bag and went home. My legs grew like crazy and became my best bodypart. Oh yea. Warmed up with extensions . Worked for me.

12-13-2012, 10:35 PM
I don't think I train them hard enough. You would never want to hit your upper body like that correct?

12-13-2012, 10:39 PM
Ill tell u what I did. As an amateur After every show that I didn't win the judges who all knew me said "your legs. He got u in legs . Your upper body blew everyone away" I was doing parallel squats and leg presses and hacks and extensions . Lots of supersets, giant sets. So I decided to do nothing but squat butt to the floor. 135lb add a 45. Another set, add 45. Til I was at my max for one rep. Got my bag and went home. My legs grew like crazy and became my best bodypart. Oh yea. Warmed up with extensions . Worked for me.

PERFECT-and there ya have it-OD

12-13-2012, 10:39 PM
K I'll do that!^^^^
What's ymmv

Your Mileage May Vary

Fit Guru
12-14-2012, 10:45 AM
I don't think I train them hard enough. You would never want to hit your upper body like that correct?

Well if what your doing is not working ?? A lot of times less is more!

12-14-2012, 10:52 AM
Upper body responds well. Chest tris and bi's grow alright. Kind of a hardgainer but can add 10lbs to my upper body real quick. Like last year I put on 40lbs after a rotator cuff tear that benched me for over a year. Lost all my weight. Literally every bit or muscle. Went down to 136- then got up to 180 in 11 months. Natural actually. Now I'm about 167. 13%. Looking to get to 190-200.

12-15-2012, 05:40 AM
If legs are slow to grow then train them harder more often. I do legs twice a week. One day is heavy weight low reps and the other is lighter weight high reps. If your not gasping for air after every set and feeling like your going to pass out then your not pushing hard enough. You should be damn near crawling out the gym.

12-15-2012, 08:48 PM
PERFECT-and there ya have it-OD

Nothing like ass to ankle squats...

12-19-2012, 05:23 PM
If it's legs or any other muscle group in my body that I see lacking, I'll hit them twice a week.

red crayon
12-24-2012, 01:37 PM
Whats up with this twice a week noise? I dont mean to insult anyone but If I do my legs as hard as I can one work out a week is all I can do. It takes about 4 or 5 days for the pain to get back to a level that will let me go at it again. You know they have to rest to grow. More isnt always better. Thats my opinion anyway.

12-24-2012, 04:53 PM
I don't believe in doing that high rep stuff personally. It doesn't work for me. When you lift more weight the body has 2 things it can do... it can either 1. grow or 2. break As long as you're eating properly you'll grow. For every 50 or so ponds you increase your squat, your legs will grow around 1/2". It's a misconception that low reps don't cause growth. Just look at Olympic weightlifters. They perform for the most part singles, doubles, and triples and their legs are HUGE.

Also, ditch all the fancy machines. You don't need them. Look at me. I stick to the basics and push myself and my legs respond. Back squats (powerlifting style), front squats (olympic style), RDL w/ snatch grip, SLDL on a platform, lunges, etc. Everyone is looking for some shortcut and the truth is there isn't any. I guarantee you if you're squatting 500lbs raw you won't want twigs for legs. Just like if you're pulling 500lbs you'll have back thickness.

12-24-2012, 05:43 PM
^^ this seems to be my method. I have a hard time getting a deep squat though. As well as getting calves to grow.

12-24-2012, 05:56 PM
^^ this seems to be my method. I have a hard time getting a deep squat though. As well as getting calves to grow.

You can duck your feet out a bit which will help open your hips. You'll still need to work on your hip flexibility though because ducking your feet puts more strain on the hamstrings than the hips.

12-24-2012, 05:59 PM
Just tried that yesterday and it helped a lot