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View Full Version : Too Much?

05-16-2013, 05:43 PM
I am pretty happy with my gains in size for the majority of my muscle groups with the exception of chest. I've been ramping up the sets lately. Just wondering if its too much.

Bench 4 x 8
Incline DB 4 x 8
Decline Smith 4 x 8
Flat DB Press 3 x 8
Cable Crossovers 4 x 10

05-16-2013, 05:57 PM
Try going heavier and max 6 reps.
Chest filled out great when I tried to beat my 5 rep max every week. Gotta go heavy

05-16-2013, 05:58 PM
Go heavier but keep the same number of sets and exercises?

05-16-2013, 06:13 PM
Maybe the first workout do 4 and heavy. The rest 3 will work.

05-16-2013, 06:15 PM
Thanks bro. I'm gonna try it out starting next chest day. Hopefully it'll work for me like it did for you!

05-16-2013, 06:28 PM
Depends on where your chest is weak as well. Might try incline 1st.

I'm not crazy about db's on chest. I find to much effort is used in stabilization and I don't get a good contraction.

U may also try the smith machine. I find that I can move more weight yet controlled and really contract the pecs hard.

05-16-2013, 06:41 PM
I do all my decline on the smith mostly because it just feels safer to me. My left arm is significantly stronger than my right, so I started doing a lot of DB work to try to even them out.

05-16-2013, 06:44 PM
Go heavier, same sets but switch between dbs and crossovers every week so you lower the overall volume of work. Also don't always start with the same exercise switch up your workout.

05-16-2013, 06:47 PM
5 movements for your chest.... yeah that's overkill if you ask me. I'd go for heavier weight in the rep range of 5-8 reps. 3 movements ie. incline bar, flat bar, incline DB fly. Stretch the muscles during to help get blood flow and in 8 or so weeks swtich the movements.

05-16-2013, 08:19 PM
With a lower amount of exercises would you recommend doing a split i.e. Chest/Tri's and hit it twice a week or keep it to one muscle group a day? I like to spend a good hour or so when I'm at the gym usually.

05-18-2013, 12:25 PM
With a lower amount of exercises would you recommend doing a split i.e. Chest/Tri's and hit it twice a week or keep it to one muscle group a day? I like to spend a good hour or so when I'm at the gym usually.

What's your training split look like at the moment?

If you'r spending an hour on chest alone how much time are you spend on muscle groups like legs or back?

05-18-2013, 10:50 PM
So far my routine looks like this...

Day 1 - Chest
Bench 4 x 8
Incline DB 4 x 8
Decline (on smith) 4 x 8
Flat DB press 3 x 8
Crossovers 4 x 8

Day 2 - Back
Bent over barbell row 4 x 8
T - Bar 4 x 8
DB row 4 x 8
Seated Row 4 x 8
Lat Pulldown/Chin ups(alternating every other week) 4 x 8/ 4 x 10

Day 3 - Rest

Day 4 - Legs
Squat 4 x 8
Leg press 4 x 8
Leg Extension 4 x 8
Leg Curls 4 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 20

Day 5 - Shoulders
Seated Military press 4 x 8
DB press 4 x 8
Arnolds 3 x 8
Front and Lateral raises 4 x 10
Reverse Flyes 4 x 10
Shrugs 3 x 15

Day 6 - Arms
Preacher curls 4 x 8
Skullcrushers 4 x 8
Standing curls 4 x 8
Rope pushdown 4 x 8
Hammer curls 4 x 8
Cable kickbacks 4 x 10

Day 7 - Rest

05-18-2013, 11:55 PM
So far my routine looks like this...

Day 1 - Chest
Bench 4 x 8
Incline DB 4 x 8
Decline (on smith) 4 x 8
Flat DB press 3 x 8
Crossovers 4 x 8

Day 2 - Back
Bent over barbell row 4 x 8
T - Bar 4 x 8
DB row 4 x 8
Seated Row 4 x 8
Lat Pulldown/Chin ups(alternating every other week) 4 x 8/ 4 x 10

Day 3 - Rest

Day 4 - Legs
Squat 4 x 8
Leg press 4 x 8
Leg Extension 4 x 8
Leg Curls 4 x 8
Calf Raises 3 x 20

Day 5 - Shoulders
Seated Military press 4 x 8
DB press 4 x 8
Arnolds 3 x 8
Front and Lateral raises 4 x 10
Reverse Flyes 4 x 10
Shrugs 3 x 15

Day 6 - Arms
Preacher curls 4 x 8
Skullcrushers 4 x 8
Standing curls 4 x 8
Rope pushdown 4 x 8
Hammer curls 4 x 8
Cable kickbacks 4 x 10

Day 7 - Rest

Drop the leg extensions. Add deadlifts

05-21-2013, 03:04 PM
U might wanna get your leg work in earlier in week and hit back later in week. A few days between the two will go a long way, and prevent possible injury. Definitely as manny said add dead lift in, which is going to work your back so you don't want an already weakened back going into leg day. Get some time between those movements especially when dead lifting, in my opinion. Good luck

06-21-2013, 01:38 PM
No dude that isn't too much well maintain it if you decrease the amount a bit that is no big deal and won't really bring a change but if you will go over the top obviously that can be something which will not really show some good affects.

06-21-2013, 08:53 PM
5 movements for your chest.... yeah that's overkill if you ask me. I'd go for heavier weight in the rep range of 5-8 reps. 3 movements ie. incline bar, flat bar, incline DB fly. Stretch the muscles during to help get blood flow and in 8 or so weeks swtich the movements.

SS nailed it.
Thats your answer right there bro.
Your just overdoing it.

06-21-2013, 08:54 PM
Drop the leg extensions. Add deadlifts

Leg Extensions suck and will fuck you up bro.
Drop em and do Deads and Front Squats!

06-21-2013, 08:57 PM
OP if thats you in your avi IMO the Strong Lifts is a custom fit for you. Your lean and thin. That 5x5 will pack slabs of muscle on your and add gr8 strength.
Give it some thought bro and good luck.:cool:

IMO your just doing way too much in your workouts. How many cals you crushing during the day.
If I worked out like that is would be huge.

06-22-2013, 12:11 PM
No dude that isn't too much well maintain it if you decrease the amount a bit that is no big deal and won't really bring a change but if you will go over the top obviously that can be something which will not really show some good affects.

Any comments?

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06-22-2013, 06:15 PM
IMO he would do much better wth the Less is more approach.

06-22-2013, 06:36 PM
Think it's to much as well your in the gym for well over an hour give proper warm up an rest between