View Full Version : Happy Fathers Day!!!!

06-16-2013, 02:27 PM
Hey guys! Just wanted to wish every father out there a Happy Fathers Day! Hope you all have a great day and are able to spend it the way you'd like. I'll be on my motorcycle all day with some great friends and a bbq later tonight. Can't ask for anything better!

06-16-2013, 11:02 PM
Happy Dad's Day to all the dad's on the MC! I had a wonderful day with my 2 girls, the wife started my day off with a huge blast :D...then my little girl made me breakfast in bed...then we packed a picnic basket and spent the day at the beach, came home and had a nice BBQ dinner, now I am laying in bed watching TV just about to crash...this day could not have been better, I think my girls told me how much they love me over 100 times...I lost count ;). Hope the other dad's had a great of day as I did!!!

06-17-2013, 10:03 AM
I hope every dad here had a great Father's Day yesterday.