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View Full Version : Machines or free weights

07-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Any body know why when i use free weights i get pain but when I do the same exercise with a machine no pain . Like chest DB press I get a pain in my shoulder but when I go to a machine its ok .

07-23-2013, 12:05 PM
Free weights take many more muscle / joint groups to perform the "same" movement as Olympic Bar and even more so than machine equipment.

In my case when switching to DB exercises from Bar or machine I noticed pains in shoulder and elbows. Took this to mean my other muscle groups and or tendons and ligaments were not as strong as the major muscle groups used for those movements in the latter exercises. Dropped weight, concentrated on form and posture. After a few weeks things were running smoothly.

Of course this is just my experience and it could be something totally different that you are dealing with.

07-23-2013, 12:09 PM
I will give that try man .. I am still in the comeback stage of my training and i think your right man trying to take to big of a bite..

red crayon
07-29-2013, 09:40 AM
LunchBox is right. When you use machines you dont need to balance things, the machines do it for you. So the muscles that assist in doing this gets no work. The thing to do is to reduce the weight and go from there. For BodyBuilding the amount of weight you lift isnt the most important thing, the results are. I bet you already knew all of that.

07-29-2013, 03:02 PM
LunchBox is right. When you use machines you dont need to balance things, the machines do it for you. So the muscles that assist in doing this gets no work. The thing to do is to reduce the weight and go from there. For BodyBuilding the amount of weight you lift isnt the most important thing, the results are. I bet you already knew all of that.
I so agree I'm a big proponent of concentrated movements and correct from. Definition really comes into play for me this way. Free weights always use more muscle group not counting balance you gotta keep

07-29-2013, 06:05 PM
I only perform multi joint compound / power movements. The difference between machines and free weights are really to many to list. How hard do you think you can work when your ROM is completely set on some piece of metal? How hard are you working your legs if you're comfortably seated?

If you're having pain it could be technique, imbalances, or some other issue that needs to be addressed.

red crayon
07-31-2013, 09:21 PM
Sister Steel is so right! This is where your workout partner plays a big roll. They can see things that you cant see and help you correct problems before they become a big deal.

For Power lifters machines are almost useless, a big waste of time. For Body Builders the machines are an important part of what they do. The ultimate goals are different. A good example of that is a cable machine. Power Lifters do a few sets of cable rows, maybe, and thats it but body builders might have a work out thats all machines, i.e. cable machines.

08-01-2013, 06:20 AM
Thanks for the great information about the free weights and machine weights..
Free weight is pretty difficult to manage and keep in a good direction according to muscles 's demand.. But the Machine weight is pretty easy to manage in a good direction and easy to control according to your body fitness..

08-01-2013, 01:37 PM
Great info already said here. When I am trying to concentrate on a specific muscle I always opt for the machine. Free weights for rom and overall build of the focus muscle area.

08-01-2013, 08:49 PM
I am only into doing this for bodybuilding purpose's.. I really don't care how much i can lift as long as i grow. My biggest problem is trying to get a good bicep work out... I don't have a work out partner to watch my technique ..

08-06-2013, 05:55 AM
Thanks for the great information about the free weights and machine weights..
Free weight is pretty difficult to manage and keep in a good direction according to muscles 's demand.. But the Machine weight is pretty easy to manage in a good direction and easy to control according to your body fitness..

Thanks for reading..Industrial scale (http://www.elitescale.com/ntep-certified/?sl=EN) Read more this details to get more information..

08-06-2013, 10:24 PM
If I could do only one movement it would be BB Squats---free weights