View Full Version : My friend was paralyzed falling victim to road rage

08-22-2013, 10:50 PM
MC family...it has been a somber few days for me as a friend of mine was intentionally run down by some 32 year old male for who knows why???


My buddy Rich was on his way home to his family from his work week here in the Bay Area. While he was riding home he was almost struck by a car who was changing lanes...he swerved and avoided the accident, then looked at the driver and just tapped his helmet at him gesturing to the driver to think and watch the road. No middle finger, no hostile gesture, just to watch the road. The driver proceeded to swerve to try and hit him again, Rich then gunned it to get away almost getting pinned between a car and a guard rail. Rich then gunned it again to get away and did for a couple miles up the freeway...only to see the car in his rearview mirror swerving through traffic to chase him. Rich kept on the gas for a few miles until he thought the guy let off the chase and mellowed out. As Rich thought it was over he slowed down due to not wanting to get a ticket and to mellow out himself from the ordeal...only to be struck from behind at what he feels was like 80-100 miles an hour. When he landed in the middle of the freeway with cars coming at him he knew he had broken his back due to he couldn't move to get out of the way, luckily no other cars hit him and an off duty police officer saw the whole thing and called it in. I will let you read the article yourselves...but we are trying to raise money for him as he was the sole supporter of his family and will never be able to walk or work again. All his friends and family are devestated, and trying all we can to help...which is why I am asking help from my family here. I will post another link below for a fundraiser that was set up for him for donations to help with medical bills and family support. If you can it would be great but please don't feel obligated, I am just trying to reach out to as many as I can to gain some attention to this horrible act of evil that has taken a mans ability to ever walk again, run and play with his kids, walk on the beach with his wife, or enjoy life the way he has up until this senseless bullshit has happened to him...sorry for that.

Thanks MC family...this would really mean a lot to me and Rich's family...and of course to him.


08-22-2013, 10:53 PM

This is the fundraising site for my dear friend...anything from $5 to whatever you could spare would be dearly welcomed and greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks family!!!

08-22-2013, 11:22 PM

Here is another link with the story as well...it still is a shock as to why would anyone do this kind of act intentionally to another human being. It was truly an act of evil as this is unreal to me. Please...next time someone cuts you off or you accidentally do it to someone else...just leave it be and don't let it get to something like this.

Thank you!


08-22-2013, 11:50 PM
Has he consulted an attorney?

08-23-2013, 12:14 AM
Don't take this the wrong way bro...but I don't think they were going to let the attorney into ICU or is he in a state to think about that at this time...but yes that will happen.

08-23-2013, 12:27 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope karma comes at that guy 10 fold.
Must have been a really slow bike and a really fast car. My fiends have eluded the choppers here but requires nerves of steel, the airport no fly zone.....and my buddy said being able to stay well above 150mph for a while.....
Regardless sorry about your friend!

08-23-2013, 12:30 AM
Wow brother, what the fuck is wrong with this world today? I'm so sorry about your friend. Its sad that something so small resulted in something this severe. I can't stand large cities just for that fact, there are way too many assholes. My thoughts are with him and his family.

08-23-2013, 07:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope karma comes at that guy 10 fold.
Must have been a really slow bike and a really fast car. My fiends have eluded the choppers here but requires nerves of steel, the airport no fly zone.....and my buddy said being able to stay well above 150mph for a while.....
Regardless sorry about your friend!

He had slowed down thinking it was done and the guy had drove off...it was too late when he seen the car coming up in his rearview mirror at 90+ mph while Rich was only doing 65.

08-23-2013, 07:23 AM
Wow brother, what the fuck is wrong with this world today? I'm so sorry about your friend. Its sad that something so small resulted in something this severe. I can't stand large cities just for that fact, there are way too many assholes. My thoughts are with him and his family.

So true...and thanks to you and IG for positing. Life changing, in an instance... mind blowing.

08-23-2013, 07:30 AM
An absolute travesty MA. Life is a short precious gem that many of us take for granted.

Once I get to work this morning I will visit the site and support in any way I can.

These types of incidents remind me that I should take more time to tell my loved ones how much they mean to me. Hug and smile more often. Pat a friend on the back. Give a "hello" to a stranger.


Vicious 13
08-23-2013, 07:44 AM
As I know I'm days away from having my first son. I couldn't read that article without losing it. It's so ridiculous what some people do. I've been in that same situation only I did use my middle finger but I couldn't believe someone would aim a car at me. Not once but twice I've had card try to do this. Maybe that's also y thus just gets to me so bad. Today is payday I'm not sure if u know but my wife and I just bought a new home which we are moving into Tuesday. Money has been very tight but I would gladly give up my allowance to help out in this terrible situation. All families involved are in my prayers

08-23-2013, 11:13 AM
WTF MA! Just read this. I'm really sorry for your friend, his family and you too. Unbelievable. I'll click the link and do what I can.

08-23-2013, 11:30 AM
Thanks guys...it really is appreciated. It will be an long road ahead for him and the family, but he is alive. Thing that got me is he was apologing to his wife and kids that it happened and it wasn't his fault. Yeah Dan, real close to home brother.

08-23-2013, 02:05 PM
In shock right now hearing about this...

Prayers and thoughts go out to your friend and his family.

08-23-2013, 06:12 PM
I ride so I know the dangers but road rage is never one I expected. My prayers go out to the family. Made a donation but wish I could help with more.

08-23-2013, 06:29 PM
I ride so I know the dangers but road rage is never one I expected. My prayers go out to the family. Made a donation but wish I could help with more.

Thanks my brother...anything is appreciated!!! God bless my friend!!!

08-23-2013, 07:42 PM
Dahm bro I saw this on the bay area news. they should of killed the suspect David Alcairo. i know that CHP shot his ass but they should of finished him off and put one in his head for this.

i ride also bro so this pisses me off.

i am sorry brother for the tragedy.

MC family...it has been a somber few days for me as a friend of mine was intentionally run down by some 32 year old male for who knows why???


My buddy Rich was on his way home to his family from his work week here in the Bay Area. While he was riding home he was almost struck by a car who was changing lanes...he swerved and avoided the accident, then looked at the driver and just tapped his helmet at him gesturing to the driver to think and watch the road. No middle finger, no hostile gesture, just to watch the road. The driver proceeded to swerve to try and hit him again, Rich then gunned it to get away almost getting pinned between a car and a guard rail. Rich then gunned it again to get away and did for a couple miles up the freeway...only to see the car in his rearview mirror swerving through traffic to chase him. Rich kept on the gas for a few miles until he thought the guy let off the chase and mellowed out. As Rich thought it was over he slowed down due to not wanting to get a ticket and to mellow out himself from the ordeal...only to be struck from behind at what he feels was like 80-100 miles an hour. When he landed in the middle of the freeway with cars coming at him he knew he had broken his back due to he couldn't move to get out of the way, luckily no other cars hit him and an off duty police officer saw the whole thing and called it in. I will let you read the article yourselves...but we are trying to raise money for him as he was the sole supporter of his family and will never be able to walk or work again. All his friends and family are devestated, and trying all we can to help...which is why I am asking help from my family here. I will post another link below for a fundraiser that was set up for him for donations to help with medical bills and family support. If you can it would be great but please don't feel obligated, I am just trying to reach out to as many as I can to gain some attention to this horrible act of evil that has taken a mans ability to ever walk again, run and play with his kids, walk on the beach with his wife, or enjoy life the way he has up until this senseless bullshit has happened to him...sorry for that.

Thanks MC family...this would really mean a lot to me and Rich's family...and of course to him.


08-23-2013, 08:19 PM
Geezuz people are crazy.............I'm sorry your friend and his family this must be horrible for them.

08-23-2013, 10:21 PM
This is so dam sad. Because of one pc of afterbirth that lived now a good family is ruined. But do rest assured he will get his just deserts for all of eternity. Will keep your bro and family in our prayers and thoughts bro. So dam sad...:-(

08-24-2013, 05:50 AM
I read the story MA... this makes me sick to my stomach. Your friend is in my prayers. I made a small contribution in support.

People like David Alcairo should be beaten in a public square by the families of his victims, because I'm sure it has happened before.

08-24-2013, 09:26 AM
Sorry to hear this I know all to well about this. Hopefully his comes with a better end. We are over a million $ in bills and the bitch had no insurance the attorney couldn't do anything.

Vicious 13
08-24-2013, 09:53 AM
Did u guys sue layd? Is she in jail?

08-24-2013, 10:35 AM
Sorry to hear this I know all to well about this. Hopefully his comes with a better end. We are over a million $ in bills and the bitch had no insurance the attorney couldn't do anything.

Damn bro...sorry to hear you have lived such a traumatic event as well, what is wrong with people today...so much anger and rage, and everyone is out to get each other it is absurd!!! Is there that much fear put into each other that many feel they have to attack another human being for feeling threatened, this is crazy and just makes me think of the world I am trying to bring my daughters up in...I am scared for them.

08-24-2013, 10:40 AM
Dahm bro I saw this on the bay area news. they should of killed the suspect David Alcairo. i know that CHP shot his ass but they should of finished him off and put one in his head for this.

i ride also bro so this pisses me off.

i am sorry brother for the tragedy.

Thanks bro...feel the same, but he would be getting off easy.

Geezuz people are crazy.............I'm sorry your friend and his family this must be horrible for them.

Thanks bro.

This is so dam sad. Because of one pc of afterbirth that lived now a good family is ruined. But do rest assured he will get his just deserts for all of eternity. Will keep your bro and family in our prayers and thoughts bro. So dam sad...:-(

Thanks brother...you have been there for me all week, as many here...much appreciated...love ya buddy! Take care of yours!!!

I read the story MA... this makes me sick to my stomach. Your friend is in my prayers. I made a small contribution in support.

People like David Alcairo should be beaten in a public square by the families of his victims, because I'm sure it has happened before.

Thanks JD for the contribution...anything helps!!! Thanks from all of us!!!

08-24-2013, 12:03 PM
Did u guys sue layd? Is she in jail?

We tried she has nothing and no insurance. Yes she is in jail. Dwi, attempted manslaughter with a motor vehicle, 3 count of child endangerment, failure to yield right of way. We are still waiting for her trial date.

08-24-2013, 12:44 PM
We tried she has nothing and no insurance. Yes she is in jail. Dwi, attempted manslaughter with a motor vehicle, 3 count of child endangerment, failure to yield right of way. We are still waiting for her trial date.

Again...unfucking real!!! I hope you get some sort of closure bro, so sorry to hear you are going through this unecessary ordeal.

08-24-2013, 01:26 PM
Again...unfucking real!!! I hope you get some sort of closure bro, so sorry to hear you are going through this unecessary ordeal.

He lost the use of his legs and suffered a brain injury. For the first week they didn't think he would make it. This is my wife's brother they are very close.

08-24-2013, 01:27 PM
I hope your friend comes out with less to deal with.

08-24-2013, 06:41 PM
We tried she has nothing and no insurance. Yes she is in jail. Dwi, attempted manslaughter with a motor vehicle, 3 count of child endangerment, failure to yield right of way. We are still waiting for her trial date.

This is exactly why people should get uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on their own auto policies. It's not that pricey and well worth the peace of mind if u can afford it.

08-24-2013, 07:53 PM
This is exactly why people should get uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on their own auto policies. It's not that pricey and well worth the peace of mind if u can afford it.

He was suppose to have it but for whatever reason the agent messed up because he had it on his other vehicles

08-26-2013, 02:21 AM
UPDATE: This morning his wife texted and said he had the best night sleep since the accident last night as the doctors have not been able to get the pain he is feeling under control, but seems as if that is happening now. Also the PT will be seeing him tomorrow to assess his condition and start working with him, so they are progressing which is good news!!! Still a very long road ahead, but faith and hope are present.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers, donations, and support for Rich and his family...you all are the best!!!

08-26-2013, 07:55 AM
wow that is a reality check ... Sorry to hear it ..

08-26-2013, 02:19 PM
good to hear brother..............

08-26-2013, 03:37 PM
Wtf is wrong with people these days. Like someone said before me karma will unleash its fiery 10 fold!
God bless him and his family!

08-27-2013, 07:37 AM
Wtf is wrong with people these days. Like someone said before me karma will unleash its fiery 10 fold!
God bless him and his family!

That is my same question...thanks bro!!!

08-27-2013, 07:39 AM
wow that is a reality check ... Sorry to hear it ..

Thanks brother!!!

08-27-2013, 09:46 AM
Thanks brother!!!

Glad things are starting to look up!

08-27-2013, 11:34 AM
Damn brother that is disturbing. My thoughts and prayers go out to your friend and his family

08-27-2013, 02:25 PM
Damn brother that is disturbing. My thoughts and prayers go out to your friend and his family

Isn't it? Thanks brother, keep everyone updated as I hear things.