View Full Version : Adversity

10-23-2013, 01:27 PM
I have a shirt with a quote on it that says...

"Adversity is like a flame...it melts the weak and tempers the strong!"

Seems like many of us are going through some sort of life challenge, a moral or ethical dilemma in our life either with family or very close family member, career change, financial hardship, health issues either ones self or other close family member...we all are going through something that makes us want to throw up our arms and scream how much more do you think I can handle. My wife has always reiterated to me that God will give us only what we can handle, and through these life challenges and trials we learn, grow, and strengthen our physical, phychological, and spiritual selves to take on lives next challenge. Sometimes they fall back to back to one another without an actual breather...which makes it that more frustrating. There are also times that these challenges are completely out of our control and we have to let go and let God take over for our own health and sanity. We also have ways to help us through these times like obviously training, prayer, meditation, sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean and waves counting our true blessing in our lives...health, family, friends, love, a home, food, clothing, and most important happiness. This was why I created that other thread "Gratitude List...5 things we are grateful for daily"...to help us remind ourselves what is truly important to us in our lives on any given day.

So now that I have ranted on about this, yes I have been going through my own adversity and trying to stay positive through it all for my family and my own sanity...so what do all of the family here do for themselves in these times? I always seem to vent to some poor family members here lol, get feedback from other dads, other people who are knowledgeable in the situation I am dealing with, although don't like to burden others with my problems as I know others have their own and mine are no more important or severe than theirs...so at times find myself in an inner struggle within myself to find the answers to fix a problem I can't fix...or in this case someone I cannot fix. Anyway...so let's discuss here, think I have verbal vomited enough...so discuss, how do you overcome adversity?

10-23-2013, 02:00 PM
I try to be proactive about problems. I work as hard as I can to try fixing whatever the issue and when something is far too much trouble to work with and I've exhausted every resource I can I simply shut it off and stop caring and thinking about it. I don't give up on anything untill I know I've done the very best that I can and know how. After I know for certain that there is nothing I can do I have to stop worrying about it or it'll really fuck me up physically and emotionally. Some things you can fix, but others you just have to know when to let go. Pick your battles as they say. Know when the fight is too much so you can stop beating a dead horse. It won't do any good

10-23-2013, 04:54 PM
WEll said MA and thanks for sharing. For me, like many, I have been through lifes challenges. I just remind myself of the one that was most difficult, and made me feel that since I did get through that one, I CAN get through anything. Also, remind myself thatt for every life challenge I have had, I incurred great growth and strength, and I have always had faith that I will get through things. I to feel the way your wife does in the fact that "God gives you what you can handle".

10-23-2013, 06:21 PM
Im a simple kind of guy. I know in my heart that somewhere at sometime somebody else has had to do or go thru what Im experiencing. So they got thru it with grace and elegance, or not so gracefully and elegantly, or they totally ignored the issue/problem, or they handled it badly. I pray that God gives me the the grace to handle it in the way He would have me do so. Then I do my best to resolve or solve or just handle it. Believe me not easy in most instances. But I also lean on my family on here, after all thats what family and friends are for. To share the good times and the bad times too cuz that all part of life.

10-23-2013, 06:34 PM
WOW...great post MA, seriously. very in depth subject, and ill have to post mine in the morning after the gym as its almost bed time, as i get up at 0330 everyday, so ill definitely hit this topic up in the am. once again GREAT thread bro.

10-24-2013, 07:32 AM
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.