View Full Version : So I was in Subway...

01-22-2014, 03:58 PM
today, picking up lunch and I saw something that I found sad. At a table was an older couple, about 60 or so, both sitting there eating and texting away on their phone. Before phones, I used to think it was bad when I saw this but they were reading papers. It just made me think...don't people even talk anymore? I have seen parents do this with their kids to in restaurants. Yes, I do have a cell phone, but I can honestly say that I* will NOT do this with my husband, daughter or anyone else I am out spending time with. I have had 2 of my daughters friends mention to me how they hate texting cause that is all their Mom seems to do. I listen carefully when I hear these things and take it in. Todays technology has its positives, but also some very bad negatives.

My parents have been married for 55 years and my Mom has been with my Dad since she was 14. No cell phones, texting etc...just good strong communication. I just think life was a bit simpler back in those days and even when we were kids. Call me old fashioned, I dont care, but this is me

01-22-2014, 10:04 PM
Amen to that. That's one of the biggest reasons me and my wife divorced this last year. She was too busy with her damn Ipad, laptop, cellphone, and all the other crappy reality TV shows on TV for rest of our worthless marriage. Who has a time for a husband when you LIVE on Facebook with 50 posts a day.....Rant over, all better now. LOL :)

01-22-2014, 10:08 PM
100% agree, but also at times 100% guilty . I have an older daughter that got all caught up in social media, Facebook particularly, and yes the whole texting and the whole kissy face photos of themselves being taken and sent to boys...would drive me nuts as a dad...this is one avenue that is so uncontrolled and open to our children of socializing, and at times with people we don't even know...scarier THEY don't really know. Now as far as sitting at a restaurant eating with my wife and youngest angel ...no I do not text or use my phone, and yes I am old fashioned too, but staying honest now since I have been on these forums as a rep, Mod, and making all these friendships I do find myself...like NOW...on my phone posting or working on the forums. Obviously it is finding a balance and my Darlin' Nikki won't hesitate to give me a hint about being on my phone or tablet. Yes technology is beneficial but also can be bad news. I have been on the bad side with my daughter, and good side meeting all of you and building some awesome relationships. Again just using that one thing they don't teach our kids in school...common sense...and setting the example for our kids. I known it is coming with my youngest who is now 8, and she will want her own phone and then the parental monitoring and boundaries will have to be set...and also to teach our kids the dangers of social media too...and that it is all for their safety. Also think of this too...the lack of one on one conversation, human interaction, and speaking to another individual will hurt their ability when it comes to job interviews, relationships, being able to share true feelings, and with texting there is no showing emotions...and so many times things are taken out of context in texting conversations.

Back to the older couple, I am actually surprised they would be texting on their phones, that would surprise me too.

Thanks for bringing this up Baby, like I said I am guilty of being in this device too often, and need a reminder that I need to keep myself in check too and lead by example.

My dad said it best...when it comes to technology and the human race, we are too immature for the technology we have created.

01-23-2014, 01:23 AM
I actually hate most technology and wish I was alive 2000 years ago. or I would be alive 1000 years from now. barring the unknown , i believe technology will be a thing of past by then.

01-23-2014, 02:24 PM
I belong to a club that prohibits cell phones and/or any kind of tech while in the building or on the property. You literally can't take it out of your pocket while in the building or you're asked to leave. It is amazing how liberating it is to not be chained to it while having dinner or drinks, not to mention the quality of the conversations. I have to say that it is sometimes a drag because I want to look some fact up on the web.

01-31-2014, 10:05 PM
I belong to a club that prohibits cell phones and/or any kind of tech while in the building or on the property. You literally can't take it out of your pocket while in the building or you're asked to leave. It is amazing how liberating it is to not be chained to it while having dinner or drinks, not to mention the quality of the conversations. I have to say that it is sometimes a drag because I want to look some fact up on the web.

No way I'd make it lol. I talk to way too many ppl all day everyday. miss out on all the good stuff and pics !