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07-06-2012, 01:59 PM
I hit up a 4 day split.

I hit up a compound movement hard for 5x5 or for heavy singles or higher rep work, always mixing it up, mostly power movements. Then for the rest of the workout I hit it 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps to get that killer pump.

Lets hear what your doing!

07-06-2012, 02:19 PM
3 day split

Sund ---chest/bis



Calves/abs/forearms....as often as possible.

I like giant sets, super sets, drop sets, high volume.

07-06-2012, 02:28 PM
4 day split for me. Before I got sick and was training for pure strength I was doing Westside. Now I'm trying to put my size back on that i lost and also training for arm wrestling. I figure with the size gains I'm making doing this bodybuilding style routine (and the cycle I'm running) the strength will come back on it's own.

Mon - Chest, triceps, abs
Tue - Legs, biceps, grip, arm wrestling
Wed - off
Thu - Delts, abs, triceps
Fri - Back, biceps, grip, arm wrestling

It's been a lot of fun since I started doing this split. As a powerlifter I haven't trained biceps in over 6 months! So hitting them twice a week is different, and my arms are blowing the fuck up (I should thank the Anadrol too. Lol). Which I need for arm wrestling since there is so much bicep, grip and forearm strength needed.

07-06-2012, 02:31 PM
Day 1
Flat Bench
Warm Up 20 4 x 12
Dumbbell Presses (incline) 3 x 12
Pec Deck 4 x 12
Mule Kicks 4 x 12
Skull Crushers 2 x 12
Cable extensions 4 x 12

Pull Downs
Warm Up 20 4 x 12
Dumbbell Rows 3 x 12
Seated Rows 4 x 12
Bi ceps:
Straight bar Curls 4 x 12
EZ-Curl Preacher Bench 2 x 12
Cable Curls 4 x 12

Military Press Warm Up 20
Dumbbell Military Presses 4 x 12
Dumbbell Fly 4 x 12
Upright Barbell rows 2 x 12

Leg Press
Warm Up 20 4 x 12
Squats Smith machine 2 x 10
Leg Extensions 4 x 12
Leg Curls 4 x 12

in a few weeks, I am thinking of switching up to 5x5...

07-06-2012, 02:34 PM
I do a 3 day split:

Day 1 pull
Back, rear delts/traps and bi's

Day2 push
Bench, front delts and tri's

Day 3 legs/ abs
Quads, hams and calves

Day 4 rest then repeat
I do cardio for one hr each day fasted in the am

Add: I change up the lifts, volume and intensity when I feel stalled or board with it. I like sutted routines the best

07-06-2012, 02:42 PM
I do a 3 day split:

Day 1 pull
Back, rear delts/traps and bi's

Day2 push
Bench, front delts and tri's

Day 3 legs/ abs
Quads, hams and calves

Day 4 rest then repeat
I do cardio for one hr each day fasted in the am

Add: I change up the lifts, volume and intensity when I feel stalled or board with it. I like sutted routines the best

Nice! You can't beat a simple split like that.

07-06-2012, 03:09 PM
3 day split

Sund ---chest/bis



Calves/abs/forearms....as often as possible.

I like giant sets, super sets, drop sets, high volume.This is a pretty odd routine, but if you like it and it works stick to it. Not downing it at all. Just have not seen anything like it. Doing tris with legs, and back and shoulder is a fuck ton of work. Plus having a upper with a lower on leg day has to have your blood confused as to where to go. But like I said, if its working, more power man!

Thanks for all the reply's, really wanting to get this section moving with some new posts!

07-06-2012, 03:11 PM
4 day split for me. Before I got sick and was training for pure strength I was doing Westside. Now I'm trying to put my size back on that i lost and also training for arm wrestling. I figure with the size gains I'm making doing this bodybuilding style routine (and the cycle I'm running) the strength will come back on it's own.

Mon - Chest, triceps, abs
Tue - Legs, biceps, grip, arm wrestling
Wed - off
Thu - Delts, abs, triceps
Fri - Back, biceps, grip, arm wrestling

It's been a lot of fun since I started doing this split. As a powerlifter I haven't trained biceps in over 6 months! So hitting them twice a week is different, and my arms are blowing the fuck up (I should thank the Anadrol too. Lol). Which I need for arm wrestling since there is so much bicep, grip and forearm strength needed.

Bruiser, dont forget your rotator cuff and shoulder work for your arm w. There was a kid in HS who was a puss, but had crazy shoulder strangth, he would kill everyone. He was the only guy I could never beat when I arm wrestled. Got to have that strong shoulder lock/rotation power!

07-06-2012, 03:18 PM
Bruiser, dont forget your rotator cuff and shoulder work for your arm w. There was a kid in HS who was a puss, but had crazy shoulder strangth, he would kill everyone. He was the only guy I could never beat when I arm wrestled. Got to have that strong shoulder lock/rotation power!

Of course. Right now that's my strength. It's from all the chest and shoulder work while running Westside. I still do all my rotator cuff warm ups even when it's 100+ degrees out! I've got real strong front delts which helps when I get a good angle on the table and can get my shoulder into it.

07-06-2012, 03:24 PM
Did you build a nice little cable stack inside your trucker rig so you can get your rotations in, lol!

07-06-2012, 04:05 PM
Did you build a nice little cable stack inside your trucker rig so you can get your rotations in, lol!

Hahaha. Nope, but I use my lat tower in the garage.

07-06-2012, 04:34 PM
Did you build a nice little cable stack inside your trucker rig so you can get your rotations in, lol!

LOL over the top bro. Over the top!

07-06-2012, 09:28 PM
This is a pretty odd routine, but if you like it and it works stick to it. Not downing it at all. Just have not seen anything like it. Doing tris with legs, and back and shoulder is a fuck ton of work. Plus having a upper with a lower on leg day has to have your blood confused as to where to go. But like I said, if its working, more power man!

Thanks for all the reply's, really wanting to get this section moving with some new posts!

My body grows best on 3-4 days a week. Blood will flow where u make it lol. Plenty of guys do entire body routines the blood flow is not an issue. I don't like tricep or chest day and I don't like shoulders to close to chest.
I'm no pro bb.....just do what I can with the time I have.

79 2 yrs ago

80 35 lbs later lol

07-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Lookin good OSL!

07-07-2012, 02:06 PM
3 day split for me
Day 1- legs and stomach
Day 2- back, biceps and stomach
Day 3- chest, shoulders, triceps and stomach
Day 4- OFF
Then repeat.
Oh I make myself do some cardio almost everyday. At 43 yrs of age- I need it.

07-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Good ole 5/3/1 for the moment. Was cycling it with GVT while I was cutting down on some fat but back to just the basics for now. I change it up from times....just different lifts as main lifts and change accessories.

07-07-2012, 08:33 PM
I have a four day split.
sun;morning run 25 min.
mon;legs-dead lifts,squats,lunges 1 hr workout
tues;shoulders-shoulder press,side latts,upright rows 1 hr workout
wen;moring run 25min.
thurs;back-wide grip pull ups,rows(high),one arm rows(low),trx flys,curls 1hr workout
fri;morning run 25min.
sat;chest-wide grip bench press,narrow grip bench,incline bench 1hr workout

07-08-2012, 08:16 AM
currently trying
day 1 chest/bi
day 2 any and all legs/abs
day 3 off
day 4 back/tri
day 5 shoulders/abs
day 6 off

and then repeat. The idea was instead of working everything once a week, "4 times a month" this way you work everything once every six days. We'll see how it goes


07-16-2012, 01:56 PM
Ok coming off of some broken bones, auto incident. Currently have a navel hernia and an upset shoulder.
This is to bring up my traps and back, chest is more or less ok, meaning that Im comfortable with how it looks.
Also prior to auto incident used to 5x5 style workouts.

Mon Back/Traps
Bent over BBL Row @ 45° 4x12
Up right BBL rows wide grip 4x10
Bent Over Dbl rows @ 90°
BBL shrugs front 3x10
BBL shrugs back 3x10

Tue Chest/Tries
BBL Flat Bench press 4x10 (may have to drop this, hurts shoulder)
Inc Dbl press 6x10
Dbl Kick back alt each week with BBL French Press 5x10

Wed Off

Thur Back/Traps
Pull ups 50 however I can get there.
BBL pull overs 4x10

Fri Legs
Back Squats 5x10
Leg curls 5x10
Single leg calve raise Dbl 10x5

Sat Shoulders/Bies
Super Set Wide grip bbl upright row/side lat raise dbl 3x10 each
Dbl curls @45° alt each week with heavy EZ curls 5x10

So far I like this but it take getting used to for me.
Also do 10 cardio WU @ approx 100-115 BPM HR.
Post work out cardio 10 min approx 130 BPM.
Am shedding fat on stomach and love handles noticeably.

Current cycle
Originally Posted by zedhed View Post
Hell bro you sound like me. The more food the better. I love food bro. Seriously the only food that I know I dont like is those dam brussle sprouts..
But anyway starting this today,
1-4 Test Prop 100 mg/EOD, 300/week
1-4 Drol 50 mg/ED will increase if I feel I need to.
1-4 Tren Ace 100 mg/ED, 500/week
Aromasin 12.5 mg as needed
Dostinex .5mg/2x/week
Proviron 50 mg/day
Calories LIMITED. Eating only when HUNGRY!

My thoughts are that this should chisel me down very nicly with my current workout. The workout includes 20 min of cardio per day.
So in 4 weeks will let you all know if Im just full of shit or really might have some good ideas.
So far things progressing nicely.
Went with my wife to her pain specialist. The (female) Dr. told me and wife that I look buff.LOL. Then she said do you mind if I ask you your age? When I told her 52 her jaw dropped. That was kinda cool...

So love handles def smaller, fat on belly noticeably less and I look better nakid!
I did decide not to go with the tren. Instead I added a low dose of deca, 200 mg/week for my joints. Shoulder been flaring up again. Will prolly stay on the Deca for the next 4-6 months. In the past have run this does for up to 12 months with no sides. It would appear that my bod likes that shit.

07-19-2012, 01:37 PM
Looks good Zed!

07-19-2012, 02:03 PM
Much thanks bro. Learning to really like it. Much diff then doing a 5x5.

07-19-2012, 10:55 PM
I'm currently training using the 5x5 program guidelines.

07-20-2012, 11:57 AM
5x5 IMO is one of the very best templates that there is for the general public. More peeps make gr8 gains from that then any other program out there.

07-20-2012, 02:35 PM
Ok coming off of some broken bones, auto incident. Currently have a navel hernia and an upset shoulder.
This is to bring up my traps and back, chest is more or less ok, meaning that Im comfortable with how it looks.
Also prior to auto incident used to 5x5 style workouts.

Mon Back/Traps
Bent over BBL Row @ 45° 4x12
Up right BBL rows wide grip 4x10
Bent Over Dbl rows @ 90°
BBL shrugs front 3x10
BBL shrugs back 3x10

Tue Chest/Tries
BBL Flat Bench press 4x10 (may have to drop this, hurts shoulder)
Inc Dbl press 6x10
Dbl Kick back alt each week with BBL French Press 5x10

Wed Off

Thur Back/Traps
Pull ups 50 however I can get there.
BBL pull overs 4x10

Fri Legs
Back Squats 5x10
Leg curls 5x10
Single leg calve raise Dbl 10x5

Sat Shoulders/Bies
Super Set Wide grip bbl upright row/side lat raise dbl 3x10 each
Dbl curls @45° alt each week with heavy EZ curls 5x10

So far I like this but it take getting used to for me.
Also do 10 cardio WU @ approx 100-115 BPM HR.
Post work out cardio 10 min approx 130 BPM.
Am shedding fat on stomach and love handles noticeably.

Current cycle
Originally Posted by zedhed View Post
Hell bro you sound like me. The more food the better. I love food bro. Seriously the only food that I know I dont like is those dam brussle sprouts..
But anyway starting this today,
1-4 Test Prop 100 mg/EOD, 300/week
1-4 Drol 50 mg/ED will increase if I feel I need to.
1-4 Tren Ace 100 mg/ED, 500/week
Aromasin 12.5 mg as needed
Dostinex .5mg/2x/week
Proviron 50 mg/day
Calories LIMITED. Eating only when HUNGRY!

My thoughts are that this should chisel me down very nicly with my current workout. The workout includes 20 min of cardio per day.
So in 4 weeks will let you all know if Im just full of shit or really might have some good ideas.
So far things progressing nicely.
Went with my wife to her pain specialist. The (female) Dr. told me and wife that I look buff.LOL. Then she said do you mind if I ask you your age? When I told her 52 her jaw dropped. That was kinda cool...

So love handles def smaller, fat on belly noticeably less and I look better nakid!
I did decide not to go with the tren. Instead I added a low dose of deca, 200 mg/week for my joints. Shoulder been flaring up again. Will prolly stay on the Deca for the next 4-6 months. In the past have run this does for up to 12 months with no sides. It would appear that my bod likes that shit.

Zed I love your routines....I almost never use iso movements....press, deads and squats....I throw 1 iso for pump after a compound movement

07-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Thanks ElB!

07-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Doing FST-7 3 days on 2 days off cardio on days off