View Full Version : The pro's make it look all so easy!

Big Hoss
07-26-2014, 07:58 PM

:p :eek: :cool:

07-28-2014, 09:43 PM
In that first vid what do you guess those guys weigh just walking around in the off seasom?

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07-28-2014, 10:56 PM
In that first bid what do you guess those guus weigh just walking around in the off seasom?

Sent from my HTC first using Tapatalk 2

You know what caught my eye zed?? Those dudes look fucking huge in those baggy ass clothes! U see guys show boating in tank tops and shit. I laugh cause when u are pro level huge it's nearly impossible to hide it!

I'd say Dorian has to be 300 lbs or damn close too in those vids!

07-28-2014, 11:11 PM
I would say quite a bit over 300. I know what 300 looks like and it aint that bro. But thats what Im sayin. Those guys are friggin massive.

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07-29-2014, 09:16 AM
That's quite a ways over 300lbs. I have a friend who's 300 built as fuck and hes nowhere near their size. Impressive though!

Big Hoss
07-29-2014, 01:06 PM
I think the heaviest DY got was around 330 lbs. Nasser at one point got up to close to 350, and of course there's Greg Kovak ?; he was well over 400 off-season. and yeah... if you can fill up baggy clothes, you know you've gotta be huge! lol! I met Nasser, Paul Dillett, Chris Cormier, and a few others about a month after the Mr. O' one year and they are larger than life! Super hero / comic book lookin' freaks!!! :eek:

07-29-2014, 08:02 PM
350 at 5'9" he must have been huffing and puffing. crank the apena machine to 20
I heard Nasser was a really nice guy though

07-29-2014, 10:17 PM
I think the heaviest DY got was around 330 lbs. Nasser at one point got up to close to 350, and of course there's Greg Kovak ?; he was well over 400 off-season. and yeah... if you can fill up baggy clothes, you know you've gotta be huge! lol! I met Nasser, Paul Dillett, Chris Cormier, and a few others about a month after the Mr. O' one year and they are larger than life! Super hero / comic book lookin' freaks!!! :eek:

Their montly food bill musta been a mortgage payment........and all the time to prepare it...........FUCK!

07-30-2014, 12:03 AM
Their montly food bill musta been a mortgage payment........and all the time to prepare it...........FUCK!

In the "living large" BB series with jay cutler (on bb.com and YouTube) he said he spends $100k a yr in food but did say that includes eating out. He also said he spends $1k a week on some fancy massage therapy also documented in the films.

What I noticed most about jays living large series in holy shit he is eating in almost every damn clip!! That's when I truly appreciated what these guys have to eat! I was on the same flight as jay cutler one time and noticed right away he had a little cooler bag with him with food.

That's what it takes to eat as much cals as needed. Eat not just a snack but a MEAL every 2-3 hours all day long.

I've tried more gear....doesn't do much! It's all about the cals!

08-02-2014, 07:46 PM
explains why theya re always going to costco , bj;s and Sams club... 100K in food WTF that is a lot when you are eating clean.. Evan Centenpano. ( sp?) has a video on you tube for what he can buy for $50.. lot of eggs in there.


he also does $100

and for those fans of "sixteen candles " doesn't black and white just capture the moment :p