View Full Version : Cheese & leek soup

01-27-2015, 08:11 AM
Cheese & leek soup.

1kg (2.2lbs) mince. I use beef/pork mince but any mince will do. I use beef & pork mixed mince simply because just pork mince is too greasy and just beef is a bit too rich but that's just my opinion.

1kg (2.2lbs) chopped leek.

400g (14oz) soft cheese.

Pinch of salt
Pinch of black pepper.
2 cloves of garlic
Oil. You're choice.

750ml vegetable stock (or any other stock other than fish)

Season the mince with salt, pepper and garlic.

Heat it in a large saucepan with the butter until it starts to brown. Then add the leek. Stir it all up. Add the stock, keep stirring then add the stock, continue stirring until it's nice and thick and creamy. Add more water if it's too dry. Let it simmer for a while. Taste it to see if you like the taste or if it needs more salt or pepper.

You're basically done. This amount serves 4. Each serving provides 33g fat, 33g protein and 8g carbs. It's a great meal for anyone on a keto diet and I personally think it tastes great. It's one of my favourite meals.