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View Full Version : First Time Cycle for Women’s Fat Burning?

06-24-2020, 09:16 AM
Hi all, I have a female friend who lifts and is also trying to get rid of her “mum tum”. Can anyone suggest a few fat-burning steroids that would suit a first-time lady?

06-24-2020, 10:59 AM
AAS doesn't burn fat brother, diet and cardio do. Do you know what her calorie requirements are? I would start there, figure out what her BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is based on her current height, weight, and age, then you can adjust calories and make sure she is in a deficit, that is what will burn fat.

06-24-2020, 04:27 PM
Hi all, I have a female friend who lifts and is also trying to get rid of her “mum tum”. Can anyone suggest a few fat-burning steroids that would suit a first-time lady?

AAS doesn't burn fat brother, diet and cardio do. Do you know what her calorie requirements are? I would start there, figure out what her BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is based on her current height, weight, and age, then you can adjust calories and make sure she is in a deficit, that is what will burn fat.

migelsr - MA is completely on point. AAS, compounds, gear etc etc... for a female should be something considered at the end of a journey. "Mum Tum" could be handled with a change in diet or exercise schedule. Maybe even a tummy tuck after other avenues are exhausted. Probably not what your friend wants to hear but its the truth.

06-24-2020, 05:57 PM
MA is absolutely correct. Reynolds is also correct.. Once you have your BMR estimated, you multiply it by activity and you'll have your TDEE. BMR is fasting or resting. TDEE (total daily energy expenditure),which is your calories you burn in order to function on a day-to-day basis. Most times it will take 400-500 'under your TDEE' to create a deficit in order to create weight loss. As your body weight and body fat% decrease, so do your caloric needs.
You can put her height, weight, age and activity level up, we'll give you/her the numbers. It can be a foundation on which to build a great starting point for anyone beginning their nutrition journey.

Stay safe brother...................AM

06-25-2020, 01:20 PM
well if you are willing to try something crazy like AAS to loose weight , you could try DNP.
However DNP really should be reserved for people that already have a control of their diet .
and ECA stack culd be added to a diet to aid in weight loss.

so in summation, every one is right, get the bmr, subtract a few 100 calories and work from there.

from there , figure out 1-2 lbs a week, for women, I think 1 lb a week i close to max for a women ,especially for a smaller framed woman.
it is a matter of percentages.a 250 lb guy loosing 2 lbs is less than a percent
1 100 lb women loosing a lb is loosing 1%

my $.02

06-28-2020, 09:00 AM
Hi all, I have a female friend who lifts and is also trying to get rid of her “mum tum”. Can anyone suggest a few fat-burning steroids that would suit a first-time lady? My friends advice me buy from sponsors here !!!

06-30-2020, 05:06 PM

Very disrespectful my friend.. we have are own people, Reynolds and Sloppy J................AM

06-30-2020, 06:37 PM

There is no promoting other sources on this forum, I am going to assume this as a one time mistake on your part, do it again and you will be banned.

07-09-2020, 07:22 AM
Hi all, I have a female friend who lifts and is also trying to get rid of her “mum tum”. Can anyone suggest a few fat-burning steroids that would suit a first-time lady from https://steroids-evolution.org/?


09-16-2020, 05:28 AM

Thanks for advise!

09-16-2020, 11:11 AM
Thanks for advise!

What advice, OK?

12-13-2020, 04:45 PM
some geaf and some clean always helps.