I've been training for close to 15 years now, and while I made some tremendous gains/hit my goals the first 7 of those years, i've really stalemated the past 5. I've only been juicing (off an on) the last 7. I, like anyone else, have had my peaks and my lows, and now I just want to get back to basics and look like I spend as much time as I do worrying about my physique.

I don't look like I should considering the amount of drugs i've been on in the past; and that's pathetic.
I've had some health issues, but it looks like i'm going to live quite a bit longer than expected now, and i'd like to make use of that gift.


Laugh it up, that's the routine i'm looking at. I'm not looking to compete, i'm trying to look like the stereotypical jacked/ripped fitness model again. I've been huge, it wasn't an awesome feeling after a while, and i've been tiny, and that wasn't much better.

My diet is moderate carb, low fat, high protein; with most of the carbs coming pre/post workout (think TKD) with a short bout of IF thrown in (because AAS + ephedrine + BCAA's allow you to get away with a little IF and not hinder gains/fatloss). All my food will be coming from:
This is so I don't have to worry about my laziness/time restraints wrt meals/cooking/cleaning being a problem.

Okay, so what do we think of the routine I posted, and/or what do you recommend as a hardcore routine that is well-rounded and intense enough for someone on AAS/TRT?

Thanks, and I'm open to any suggestions and WILL listen/check them out.