One of the problems with the health care reform is that we used to have people want to become doctors, but with the way it is going we won't have many to replace the baby boomers retiring. In five years from now you may not be seen by an actual doctor but by a nurse practitioner. With the rising costs of health insurance every year and companies even local government cities are not able to afford to cover insurance for their employees which now a good percentage of our income is going to be going to pay for health insurance, and it is going to get worse in the next few years. I feel everyone should have health coverage, but also everyone needs to be working as well. It is ugly no matter how you look at it, I feel that doctors and pharmaceutical companies are controlling costs which is the cause for the rise in insurance costs and yes we end up paying for it. I could be way out of line, but something needs to be done but I don't feel this bill is the answer either. Like Layd said above, people need to be held responsible and accountable and not just leech off the government everything, if we have to work and hold a job, support our families as much of a struggle as it is at times, and pay out of our salaries to cover a portion of our health care then so does everybody else.