Well the time has come brothers! I'm
Done having kids!
My brother in law and guy at work used the same place I am about to. Dr is highly accredited for his cancer specialty work as well as cutting edge vasectomy "scalpel less" method.

They cut the tubes. Throw a section away..burn the ends of the tubes. Then cap with metal! I'm going to tell them to kick me in the balls a few times after just for good measure!

Pot and tren will make u sterile my ass!
I always have 1 swimmer but it's jacked on nor 19 lol.

Dr should call me shortly for my turn for numbing shots in the nuts.....can't wait!

Ohh and swelling to the size of a grapfruit next few days is "normal"........

They said hole thing takes 10 minutes. Wish me luck!

The last kiddo is super cute so no need for more.