It felt good to get my ass back in the gym. I've been focusing on my BJJ so I haven't been as consistent with my lifting as I would like to be. I decided to actually play it safe.... I know me safe???, lol.

Conventional Deadlift: 275lbsX3, 315lbsX3, 355lbsX3, 370lbsX1, 385lbsX1

The 385lbs felt light but I'm going to slowly work my way back into the swing of things.

Snatch High Pulls: 165lbsX4(3)

This is a dynamic movement and an Olympic assisting lift. It's all about speed of the movement.

1-Arm DB Rows: 120lbsX3(7)

I finished off the workout with some rows.

That was is for my first real day back. Short, sweet, and to the point. I'm not one to have a lot of frivolous exercises. I want to get faster and stronger.